Page Analyzer is a site that analyzes specified pages for SEO suitability similar to PageSpeed Insights.
[email protected]:MisterFlicker/python-project-83.git
To install use: make install
To build use: make build
To package install use: make package-install
You need to make three tables in database - to do this, execute the code for creating tables specified in the root file database.sql.
Also you need to create an .env file in the root of the project, and write your environment variables there.
# DATABASE_URL format: {provider}://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{db}
# below you can see an example
DATABASE_URL = postgresql://someuser:somepassword@localhost:5432/database
SECRET_KEY = 'any character set for secret key'
After installing dependencies (root file Makefile can help with this) run command:
make run
Deployed app: