This directory contains the configuration information and map-game updater scripts to successfully host a SPADS instance for BAR
Remember to look through the paths to set them correcly for your host, as well as the logins and passwords!
Spads available here:
The spads.service file is for starting single instances of spads hosts.
Use systemctl start spads.service
to start the service
Use systemctl enable spads.service
to start the service on startup
The [email protected] file is for starting multiple instances of spads hosts.
Use systemctl start spads@<hostid>.service
to start the service
Use systemctl enable spads@<hostid>.service
to start the service on startup
Replacing the with the relevant id number
Update the paths in the file/s to suit your system.
Updated with rclone from google drive folder:
- sudo apt-get install rclone
- rclone config
- select new
- name: BYAR-maps
- storage type: 13 (drive)
- no client id
- no client secret
- access type: 2 (drive.readonly)
- root folder id: blank
- service account credentials: blank
- service accoutn file: blank
- Edit advanced config: n
- Use auto config: n
- Configure this as team drive: n
Then to update maps:
rclone sync --drive-shared-with-me BYAR-maps:BYAR-maps /home/xxxx/spads/var/spring/data/maps/
copy the relevant .timer and .service files into,
and make sure they contain the correct paths to executables and data storage, and the User names are correct!
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl status rclone-maps.service
systemctl start rclone-maps.service
systemctl enable --now rclone-maps.timer
Use --now to not wait till next reboot
install pr-downloader by copying pr-downloader from an engine build into /usr/local/bin
copy the relevant .timer and .service files into:
Make sure the username and executable path and data storage path is correct
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl status pr-downloader.service
systemctl start pr-downloader.service
systemctl enable --now pr-downloader.timer
Make sure instancedir and instancedir/log exists (e.g. /spads/var/spads_host01/log)
Disable plugins if not installed (autoloadplugins in spads.conf)
needs p7zip-full to be able to update engine easily
and perl cpan Inline::Python for BarManager
Look in and change all relevant varaibles.
Make sure you have the correct engine installed and specified
Make sure you have the autoregister and clustermanager plugins installed (included in repo)
Make sure your clustermanager account is set to admin flag in lobby server
Run spads with ./
Some ramblings (Beherith) about running autohosts:
- Running autohosts by third parties is not encouraged by default. Please get in touch with developers if you want to do this. You will need to do this anyway to obtain botflags.
- If you do, make sure you have all of the users permissions (BAR devs) set accordingly
- Please adhere to the certified/official maps list, exemption requests are welcome.
- Please try to adhere to the setup in the default spads.conf in this repo
- Attempt to use the springsettings.cfg in this repo
- Keep your hosts up to date (pr-downloader timer service, byar-maps timer service)