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This repository hosts a Unity VR project that has been enhanced with an RGB splitter feature. This innovative feature captures screenshots from each frame, then seprates them into their respective RGB channels, facilitating a detailed comparison. This project is an extension of the VR-Head-Motion-Simulator project.


Unity Editor version 2022.3.19f1. If you want to download the repository and run it in your Unity, you should adjust your Unity editor version to 2022.3.19f1. Alternatively, you can use the instructions and C# code with your own Unity editor version.


  • RGB Channel Splitting: This feature allows the separation of RGB channels in the VR headset view.


  1. Create a C# script in the Assets part and copy the code to it.
  2. Right-click on the VRHeadset GameObject in the hierarchy and Create Empty Object. Rename it to RGBSeparator.
  3. Attach the RGBSeparation.cs script to the RGBSeparator Object.
  4. Create a Recordings folder in the root directory of the project folder.


using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;

public class RGBSeparation : MonoBehaviour
    // Set the path where recorded frames will be saved
    public string folderPath = "your_Recordings_folder_path";
    public int frameRate = 30;

    private void Start()
        // Set the playback framerate
        Time.captureFramerate = frameRate;

        // Create the folder if not exists
        if (!Directory.Exists(folderPath))
    private void Update()
        // Generate filename based on the current frame count (format is '0005 shot.png"')
        string name = string.Format("{0}/{1:D04} shot.png", folderPath, Time.frameCount);

        // Capture the screenshot to the file.

        // Wait for the screenshot to be saved, then split it before loading.
        // load the screenshot from the file path, splits it to RGB channels and saves each channel as a image file.  
    private IEnumerator LoadAndSplitScreenshot(string filePath)
        // Wait for the screenshot to be saved
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.0625f);

        // Check if the file exists
        if (File.Exists(filePath))
            // Load the screenshot as a Texture2D
            Texture2D screenshot = LoadPNG(filePath);

            // Split the screenshot into RGB channels
            Texture2D red, green, blue;
            SplitIntoChannels(screenshot, out red, out green, out blue);

            // Save the channels as separate images
            SaveAsPNG(red, string.Format("{0}/{1:D04} red.png", folderPath, Time.frameCount));
            SaveAsPNG(green, string.Format("{0}/{1:D04} green.png", folderPath, Time.frameCount));
            SaveAsPNG(blue, string.Format("{0}/{1:D04} blue.png", folderPath, Time.frameCount));
            Debug.LogError("File does not exist: " + filePath);
//load an image file as Texture2D by reading its bytes,creating new Texture2D instance,and loading the image data into it.
    private Texture2D LoadPNG(string filePath)
        Texture2D tex = null;
        byte[] fileData;

        if (File.Exists(filePath))
            fileData = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
            tex = new Texture2D(2, 2);
            tex.LoadImage(fileData); //..this will auto-resize the texture dimensions.
        return tex;

// This method takes an original image as input
private void SplitIntoChannels(Texture2D original, out Texture2D red, out Texture2D green, out Texture2D blue)
     //Creates separate Texture2D objects for red, green, and blue channels

    red = new Texture2D(original.width, original.height);
    green = new Texture2D(original.width, original.height);
    blue = new Texture2D(original.width, original.height);

//Processes each pixel to extract RGB values and assigns them to corresponding channels.

    Color[] originalPixels = original.GetPixels();
    Color[] redPixels = new Color[originalPixels.Length];
    Color[] greenPixels = new Color[originalPixels.Length];
    Color[] bluePixels = new Color[originalPixels.Length];

    for (int i = 0; i < originalPixels.Length; i++)
        Color pixel = originalPixels[i];
        redPixels[i] = new Color(pixel.r, 0, 0); // Visualize the red channel
        greenPixels[i] = new Color(0, pixel.g, 0); // Visualize the green channel
        bluePixels[i] = new Color(0, 0, pixel.b); // Visualize the blue channel



    private void SaveAsPNG(Texture2D tex, string filePath)
        byte[] bytes = tex.EncodeToPNG();
        File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, bytes);

Note: Remember to replace the your_Recordings_folder_path with the path of your Recordings folder.


Mohammad Elahi, TU Dresden, Vodafone Chair, [email protected]


UnityVR RGB Channel Splitter







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