Spree wholesale is a simple wholesale solution for Spree Commerce. Spree wholesale adds a wholesaler login and signup page as well as an admin to approve and deny applicants.
If you're on Spree 0.50.0 and above, you'll have to install Spree Wholesale from the source since I haven't released it yet. Just add this to your Gemfile:
gem 'spree_wholesale', :git => 'git://github.com/citrus/spree_wholesale'
Otherwise just use the last stable release:
gem 'spree_wholesale', ''
Then install the necessary migrations, db:migrate, and create the wholesale role:
rails g spree_wholesale:install
rake db:migrate spree_wholesale:create_role
If you'd like to generate sample wholesale prices based on a 66% discount:
rake spree_wholesale:assume_wholesale_prices
If you'd like to run tests:
git clone git://github.com/citrus/spree_wholesale.git
cd spree_wholesale
rake test_app
- Write more/better tests
- Finish i18n implementation
Copyright (c) 2011 Spencer Steffen, released under the New BSD License All rights reserved.