Package to help navigate complex interface{} data types with auto casting of various types where possible.
- Is you need to read data from complex interface{} for example when Unmarshal data into an interface.
- Read data returned from an REST API call and you don't Unmarshal the data into a type but an interface.
- go 1.8 to run and install go-data-chain
Below is a description go-data-chain project folders and what they contain
Folder | Description |
examples | yaml payload used to test the package |
/ | Main code |
This will take you through the steps to install and get go-data-chain up and running.
1. Install
Once you have installed golang you can run the following command to get go-data-chain
go get
2. Include in your project
The way go and chaining works there always the possibility that a key or index does not exist in the data, and the proceeding method calls cause a nil pointer error and the program would ungracefully crash!
There are two option:
- one is to check the return values for each method call but this defeats the point of chaining the function calls.
//Get an array that does not exist
chain_item = chain_error.GetMapItem("data")
if chain_item ==nil{
return fmt.Errorf("Missing Map item")
if chain_item ==nil{
return fmt.Errorf("Missing Map item")
- Set the safe to true on the *CreateDataChain(value interface{},safe bool) Data function.
What this does is make the chain always return a Data object even if the key does not exist. this will stop the chain crashing and allow you to check for errors.
This comes with a Caveat you can only use the following functions to navigate the chain
- GetMapItem
- GetArrayItem
- GetArrayCount
- ToArray
- ToMap
//Get an array that does not exist
chain_item = chain_error.GetMapItem("data").GetMapItem("arrays_does_not_exists")
if chain_item.Err != nil {
//does not matter if you check the error on
//chain_item or chain_error they both return the same error
fmt.Printf("there was an error :%v \n", chain_error.Err)
return fmt.Errorf("chain_item there was an error :%v \n", chain_item.Err)
1. Read yaml and navigate the data
- "array_string_1"
- "array_string_2"
- "array_string_3"
map_string_1: "map_string_1"
map_string_2: "map_string_2"
map_string_3: "map_string_3"
string_bool_true: "true"
string_bool_false: "false"
string_bool_y: "y"
string_bool_n: "n"
string_bool_1: "1"
string_bool_0: "0"
string_bool_yes: "yes"
string_bool_no: "no"
string_bool_pass: "pass"
string_bool_fail: "fail"
float_int: 1.56
string_int: "2"
int_int: 3
bool_int_true: true
bool_int_false: false
float_float: 1.56
string_float: "1.56"
int_float: 5
bool_float_true: true
bool_float_false: false
float_string: 1.56
string_string: "string"
int_string: 5
bool_string_true: true
bool_string_false: false
package main
import (
go_data_chain ""
func main() {
// Store example data
var test_data interface{}
//Read the example data from a file
file, err := ioutil.ReadFile("example_data.yaml")
if err != nil {
err = yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(file), &test_data)
if err != nil {
//Create an instance if go_data_chain
chain := go_data_chain.CreateDataChain(test_data, false)
//Navigate the data
//get string data from a map map_string_1
chain_item := chain.GetMapItem("data").GetMapItem("maps") //get a map item
fmt.Println(chain_item.GetMapItem("map_string_1").ToString()) //cast as a string
//Loop through an array
chain_item = chain.GetMapItem("data").GetMapItem("arrays") //get a map item
for i := 0; i < chain_item.GetArrayCount(); i++ {
//get bool data from a map convert_bool
chain_item = chain.GetMapItem("data").GetMapItem("convert_bool") //get a map item
fmt.Println(chain_item.GetMapItem("string_bool_true").ToBool()) //convert "true" to true
fmt.Println(chain_item.GetMapItem("string_bool_no").ToBool()) //convert "no" to false
//get int data from a map convert_int
chain_item = chain.GetMapItem("data").GetMapItem("convert_int") //get a map item
fmt.Println(chain_item.GetMapItem("float_int").ToInt64()) //convert 1.56 to 1
fmt.Println(chain_item.GetMapItem("bool_int_true").ToInt8()) //convert true to 1
//get float data from a map convert_float
chain_item = chain.GetMapItem("data").GetMapItem("convert_float") //get a map item
fmt.Println(chain_item.GetMapItem("float_float").ToFloat64()) //convert 1.56 to 1
fmt.Println(chain_item.GetMapItem("float_float").ToFloat32()) //convert true to 1
//get string data from a map convert_string
chain_item = chain.GetMapItem("data").GetMapItem("convert_string") //get a map item
fmt.Println(chain_item.GetMapItem("int_string").ToString()) //convert 1.56 to 1
fmt.Println(chain_item.GetMapItem("string_string").ToString()) //convert true to 1
// Create an instance if go_data_chain but with safe parameter to true
// This will always return a chain item even if the data does not exist
// For this to work you must use the GetMapItem(), GetArrayItem() and GetArrayCount methods
// And check the Err property of the chain item for errors
// This is a workaround so that if data does not exist the program does not crash
// And give you the option to handle the error
chain_error := go_data_chain.CreateDataChain(test_data, true)
//get string data from a map maps_does_not_exists
chain_item = chain_error.GetMapItem("data").GetMapItem("maps_does_not_exists") //get a map item
fmt.Println(chain_item.GetMapItem("map_string_1").ToString()) //cast as a string
if chain_error.Err != nil {
fmt.Printf("there was an error for GetMapItem:%v \n", chain_error.Err)
chain_error.Err = nil //reset the error
//Get an array that does not exist
chain_item = chain_error.GetMapItem("data").GetMapItem("arrays_does_not_exists") //get a map item
if chain_error.Err != nil {
fmt.Printf("there was an error for GetMapItem:%v \n", chain_error.Err)
//Because the array does not exist
//The GetArrayCount() method will return 0
// And return an error
for i := 0; i < chain_item.GetArrayCount(); i++ {
if chain_error.Err != nil {
fmt.Printf("there was an error GetArrayCount:%v \n", chain_error.Err)
//Data type
type Data
// CreateDynamicData creates a new Data object
// - value: the value to set
// - safe: makes the chain always return a empty data
CreateDataChain(value interface{},safe bool) *Data
// GetArrayItem returns an item from the array
// - index: the index of the item to get
GetArrayItem(index int) *Data
// GetArrayCount returns the number of items in the array
GetArrayCount() int
// ToArray returns an array of Data objects
ToArray() []Data
// ToMap returns a map of Data objects
ToMap() map[string]Data
// GetMapItem a Data object
// - Key: the key to get
GetMapItem(key string) *Data
// GetInterface returns the data as an interface{}
GetInterface() interface{}
// GetType returns the type of the data as a string
GetType() string
// ToString returns the data as a string
ToString() string
// ToBool returns the data as a bool
ToBool() bool
// ToFloat32 returns the data as a float32
ToFloat32() float32
// ToFloat64 returns the data as a float64
ToFloat64() float64
// ToInt returns the data as an int
ToInt() int
// ToInt8 returns the data as an int8
ToInt8() int8
// ToInt32 returns the data as an int32
ToInt32() int32
// ToInt64 returns the data as an int64
ToInt64() int64
- Look at a way to handle errors
- First build
- Added a way to handle nil pointer crash when map key or array index is not found.
go-data-chain is Apache 2.0 licensed.