Often, you'll find yourself in situations, where you want to have more to control how to set a page title for your different views. Although it is possible to yield your page title in a master view it can be a hassle to deal with the format like a delimeter usage or to append/prepend a default page title.
This package simplifies the process.
Begin by installing this package through Composer.
"require": {
"rephlux/pagetitle": "0.1.*"
If you are a Laravel user, then there is a service provider that you can make use of to automatically prepare the bindings and such.
// app/config/app.php
'providers' => [
When this provider is booted, you'll have a nice little PageTitle
facade, which you may use in your controllers and views.
public function index()
PageTitle::add('Hello there');
return View::make('hello');
To add multiple page title parts at once just pass an array as parameter.
public function index()
'Hello there',
return View::make('hello');
Now you can display the fully concatenated page title in your view. The best way is to use it in your master layout file.
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>{{ PageTitle:get() }}</title>
To display the fully concatenated page title in reverse order just pass an appropriate parameter.
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>{{ PageTitle:get('reverse') }}</title>
If using Laravel, there are three configuration options that you'll need to worry about. First, publish the default configuration.
php artisan config:publish rephlux/pagetitle
This will add a new configuration file to: app/config/packages/rephlux/pagetitle
return [
| Page name
| Type your page name for your website.
| This will be used when there are more titles to concatenate with.
'page_name' => '',
| Default title when empty
| This will be used when therer is no other title.
| Mainly used for the home page of your website.
'default_title_when_empty' => '',
| Delimiter
| Titles will be concatenated using this delimiter.
'delimiter' => ' :: '
If you want you can enter your page name to this key if you want to append/prepend the name to your concatenated page title.
This text will be used when there is are no page title parts in the collection.
When you want to use a delimeter just update this key and add the string you want to use as an delimeter.
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