Releases: MyCoRe-Org/ubo
What's Changed
- UBO-365 FSU040THUL-5159 Support "person_dgs" option in import-search.xed by @Possommi in #429
- UBO-366 Display destatis as metadata by @Possommi in #430
- UBO-367 FSU040THUL-5319 Fixed CSV export by @Possommi in #431
- UBO-368 Support resolving of values of destatis category id's in response-facets.xsl by @Possommi in #432
- UBO-369 Add link to destatis metadata to find all objects of a given destatis categid by @Possommi in #433
- UBO-370 Do not discard already assigned roles of linked user by @Possommi in #436
- UBO-373 Fixed NullPointerException in ImportJobAction, store realm attribute of user in MCRJob by @Possommi in #438
- UBO-372 Replace chosen with bootstrap-select by @fluetze in #437
- UBO-380 Allow to disable generation of data-subtext attributes in myc… by @Possommi in #440
- UBO-381 Added leading brace to role when role is interviewer by @Possommi in #442
- UBO-382 Allow to set preconfigured classification values during scopus import by @Possommi in #443
- UBO-383 Update to current pica2mods version 2.11 by @kkrebs in #444
- UBO-372 layout fixes in import list by @kkrebs in #441
- UBO-378 Allow to choose data sources used for enrichment in list import by @Possommi in #446
- Added OA Diamond by @kponten in #447
- UBO-385 Tolerate surrounding mycoreobject when filtering mods by @fluetze in #448
- merge develop into main by @kkrebs in #434
Full Changelog: v2023.06-20241101...v2023.06-20250121
Migration information
- this version only runs with MyCoRe 2023.06.x
- you have to adopt your persistence.xml
- you have to reload and rebuild your solr index
What's Changed
- UBO-283 Migrate to MyCoRe 2023.06.x by @Possommi in #335
- UBO-283 switch also docker image to tomcat 10 by @kkrebs in #419
- UBO-359 FSU040THUL-4433 Remove parent div once it has been processed by @Possommi in #421
- UBO-358 FSU040THUL-3822 Do not throw exception when object has both parent and multiple children by @Possommi in #420
- Fix wrong grep command in by @sebhofmann in #422
- IM-154 add decimal format on response page by @kkrebs in #424
- UBO-362-FSU040THUL-5049 Allow setting of partOf and state class during list import by @Possommi in #425
- UBO-363 Fixed NullPointerException in MCRUserMatcherLDAP by @Possommi in #426
- issues/UBO-340-Prevent-change-of-genre-during-import by @fluetze in #428
- merge develop into main by @kkrebs in #423
Full Changelog: v2022.06-20240823...v2023.06-20241101
- Neue ACL ergänzen
ubo-cli/target/bin/ update permission read for id restapi:/classifications with rulefile ubo-cli/src/main/setup/acl/acl-rule-always-allowed.xml described by always allowed
- Solrkonfiguration via WebCLI neu laden:
clear solr index in core main
reload solr configuration main in core main
- Index neu erstellen:
rebuild solr metadata index in core main
- Klassifikations-URL für Batchkommandos konfigurieren (optional)
um die Klassifikations-Batchkommandos nutzen zu können, muss die URL angepasst werden auf die jeweils lokal genutzte Version
- destatis-Klassifikation einspielen und Mapping aktivieren (optional)
Bei Bedarf kann die destatis-Klassifikation eingespielt werden und in der ORIGIN entsprechende Mapping-Einträge ergänzt werden
What's Changed
- UBO-339 Prevent ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException caused in mods-dc.xsl by @Possommi in #400
- UBO-337 Do not map mods:classification with generator attribute by @Possommi in #399
- UBO-336 FSU040THUL-3698 Escape facet values and search values in NewPublicationWizard by @Possommi in #398
- UBO-341 FSU040THUL-3715 Display at least language code when language code cannot be resolved by @Possommi in #401
- UBO-342-FSU040THUL-3861 Fixed non scrolling facet values by @Possommi in #402
- UBO-344 Fixed url for genre link badge by @Possommi in #403
- UBO-345 Do not die on multiple LEAD_ID in IdentityPicker by @Possommi in #405
- UBO-347 Let ImportListJobAction not use ImportJob.saveAndIndex() by @Possommi in #407
- UBO-348 large rfc5646 classification makes editor slow by @sebhofmann in #408
- Merge develop in to main by @sebhofmann in #410
- UBO-350 Set pica2mods version to 2.10 by @Possommi in #411
- UBO-351 Improved logging in UBOUserByConnectionResolver by @Possommi in #412
- UBO-338 Improved indexing of corresponding author by @Possommi in #406
- UBO-352 FSU040THUL-1064 Made whole badge indicating duplicates clickable, support English in badge by @Possommi in #413
- UBO-354 Omit credentials when fetching language classification by @Possommi in #415
- UBO-353 FSU040THUL-4126 Do not copy connection id of the replaced author by @Possommi in #414
- enable classification mapping for destatis classification by @kkrebs in #416
- UBO-355 Add more batch editor configuration by @fluetze in #417
Full Changelog: v2022.06-20240615...v2022.06-20240823
What's Changed
- UBO-330 Fixed NPE in PublicationEventHandler by @Possommi in #389
- UBO-331 add new enrichment command in new command group by @erodde in #390
- UBO-332 Added missing tooltip for statistics button by @Possommi in #391
- UBO-333 FSU040THUL-3541 Renamed solr fields 'person_aut_corresp*' to 'corresponding_aut*' by @Possommi in #392
- UBO-249 Imports via list should be able to get concurrently executed by @Possommi in #393
- UBO-249 Fixed i18n ubo.import.list.form.headline by @Possommi in #394
- UBO-334 Support mods:genre with authorityURI and valueURI by @Possommi in #395
- UBO-335 add lang parameter to translate resource url by @kkrebs in #397
- merge develop into main by @kkrebs in #396
Full Changelog: v2022.06-20240527...v2022.06-20240615
Migration instructions
Neue Klassifikationen laden bzw. bestehende aktualisieren:
- (löst nach Migration rfc4646.xml ab)
- (vgl. )
- optional kann das ORCID-Mapping aktiviert werden, dazu muss geladen werden
- und eine entsprechend angepasste Genre-Klassikation eingespielt werden, vgl.
Solrkonfiguration via WebCLI neu laden:
clear solr index in core main
reload solr configuration main in core main
Index neu erstellen:
rebuild solr metadata index in core main
Migration aller Einträge:
select objects with solr query objectType:mods in core main
execute for selected xslt {x} with file resource:xsl/migration/migrate-lang-genre-accessCondition.xsl
Nach Abschluss der Migration kann mit den folgenden Kommandos nochmal geprüft werden, ob auch wirklich alle Datensätze sauber migriert wurden:
grep -R "</mods:genre>" data/metadata |wc -l
grep -R "use and reproduction" data/metadata | grep classID|wc -l
grep -R "rfc4646" data/metadata |wc -l
Alle drei Kommandos sollten 0 ausgeben. Falls nicht müssen die entsprechenden Objekt-IDs erneut migriert werden mit dem in Schritt 4 angegebenen Kommando.
In einem letzten Schritt kann die rfc4646-Klassifikation noch gelöscht werden.
What's Changed
- UBO-316 Made request handler for statistics configurable by @Possommi in #372
- UBO-318 Read request handler from $RequestURL by @Possommi in #374
- UBO-317 Add button to copy url to result set to clipboard by @Possommi in #373
- UBO-320 Ugrade MCR.user2.LDAP.Mapping.labeledURI.id_gnd.schema to https by @Possommi in #376
- UBO-322 Display realname (if any) rather than uid of user on profile page by @Possommi in #378
- UBO-323 Index corresponding author by @Possommi in #379
- UBO-319 FSU040THUL-292 UBO should use rfc5646 for mapping languages by @Possommi in #375
- UBO-324 Made generated id's in ubo-dialog.xsl unique by @Possommi in #380
- UBO-309 Add rate-limiting URI-Resolver by @erodde in #365
- UBO-291 Store mods:genre with authorityURI and valueURI by @Possommi in #342
- UBO-326 Added classification importSourceType.xml and adopted import-list.xed to the use of new classification by @Possommi in #382
- UBO-284 Added migrate-mods-accessCondition.xsl. Fixed migrate-mods-ge… by @Possommi in #383
- UBO-325 Improve accessibility of result page by @Possommi in #381
- UBO-321 Do not display placeholders in identity picker search result by @Possommi in #377
- UBO-327 Added migration stylesheet migrate-lang-genre-accessCondition… by @Possommi in #384
- UBO-328 Allow to provide dropdown dividers in user menu via navigation.xml by @Possommi in #385
- Added new publication types for KDSF compliance by @kponten in #386
- make conference stored field for migration analysis by @kkrebs in #387
- merge develop into main by @kkrebs in #388
Full Changelog: v2022.06-20240326...v2022.06-20240527
What's Changed
- UBO-295 publication event handler creates redundant users in database by @erodde in #354
- UBO-301 Removed code to handle affiliation and to write lead ID back by @fluetze in #357
- UBO-306 Upgraded pica2mods to version 2.9-SNAPSHOT by @Possommi in #360
- UBO-304 FSU040THUL-2567 Index place field, copy place field to all field, copy publisher to all field by @Possommi in #358
- UBO-305 Allow to configure solr request handlers in response-facets.xsl by @Possommi in #359
- UBO-218 Added workaround for a hidden submit button by @kponten in #362
- UBO-307 FSU040THUL-2605 Added text-wrap class to .personalName elements by @Possommi in #361
- Fixed WoS link by @kponten in #363
- UBO-310 FSU040THUL-2479 Import via list and newPublication.xed produce different mods:identifier[@type='uri'] elements by @Possommi in #364
- UBO-311 FSU040-THUL-2889 The query parts in the links of the origin badges are not quoted properly by @Possommi in #366
- UBO-312 Read request handler from variable in response.xsl by @Possommi in #367
- UBO-313 Index accessrights and peerreviewed. Added i18n 'facets.facet… by @Possommi in #368
- UBO-314 Index mediaType by @Possommi in #369
- UBO-315 Made search filter base template configurable by introducing … by @Possommi in #370
- merge develop into main by @kkrebs in #371
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2022.06-20240206...v2022.06-20240326
What's Changed
- UBO-297 Implement command to export selected publications via CLI by @fluetze in #348
- UBO-288 publication event handler needs refactoring by @fluetze in #346
- UBO-296 Made indexing of year independent of actual position of the mods:originInfo/mods:dateIssued element by @Possommi in #347
- Add MARC Genre Term mapping for research_data by @kponten in #349
- UBO-299 Fixed ZDB import of publisher information by @fluetze in #353
- UBO-300 Flip parts of name in PersonResult list by @Possommi in #355
- merge develop into main by @kkrebs in #356
Full Changelog: v2022.06-20240115...v2022.06-20240206
What's Changed
- UBO-255 Upgrade to mycore to version 2022.06.3-SNAPSHOT and pica2mods… by @Possommi in #303
- UBO-253 Apply classes to segments generated by xsl:template match="item" mode="output.category" by @Possommi in #301
- UBO-257 Upgrade version of pica2mods to 2.7-SNAPSHOT by @Possommi in #307
- UBO-258 FSU040THUL-1065 Mark corresponding author in mods-display.xsl by @Possommi in #308
- UBO-256 Add random UUID to user id of MCRUser generated in MCRUserMat… by @Possommi in #306
- UBO-259 FSU40THUL-1218 Made solr field "origin_exact" stored by @Possommi in #310
- UBO-262 Set version of pica2mods to 2.8-SNAPSHOT by @Possommi in #313
- UBO-96 ORCID-Anbindung optimieren by @Possommi in #284
- UBO-261 FSU040THUL-1243 Index text related to nid_{ connection | scopus | fsu | ...} by @Possommi in #312
- UBO-31 add kdsf editor fields and other minor adoptions from koeln by @kkrebs in #315
- UBO-263 FSU040THUL-405 Allow to search arbitrary realm in LocalService by @Possommi in #314
- UBO-18 unify name identifier handling by @kkrebs in #316
- UBO-260 FSU040THUL-972 Support fundingType facet by @Possommi in #311
- UBO-18 layout finetuning and add more details by @kkrebs in #320
- UBO-267 PublicationEventHandler now also repairs by @fluetze in #323
- UBO-269 FSU040THUL-1276 Changed cite of by @Possommi in #324
- UBO-265 FSU040THUL-972 Made solr field fundingType multivalued by @Possommi in #321
- Issues/ubo 266 tolerate repeated lead by @fluetze in #322
- Issues/ubo 268 use the name identifier classification also in user editor by @fluetze in #325
- Save publication after repair event by @fluetze in #326
- UBO-272 Fixed StackOverflowError during indexing by @Possommi in #327
- UBO-274 Fixed ArrayIndexOutBoundException when language code cannot b… by @Possommi in #328
- UBO-277 Removed @min="4" from repeat element by @Possommi in #330
- UBO-275 Fixed IllegalStateException in PersonSearchResult#join(...) by @Possommi in #329
- add type submit to editor buttons by @kkrebs in #331
- UBO-280 Fixed incorrect display of ; by @Possommi in #332
- UBO-282 Include mycore2orcid.js only when user is not guest by @Possommi in #334
- UBO-282 Include mycore2orcid.js inresponse.xsl (was accidentally remo… by @Possommi in #339
- UBO-281 Fixed import of works from ORCID by @Possommi in #333
- DMS-300 adds a better way to show authors without floating by @TiloNN in #337
- UBO-287 Use xsl:key to speed up transformation by @fluetze in #340
- UBO-289 Surround 'MCRORCIDSessionUtils.getCurrentUser()' with try/catch by @Possommi in #341
- UBO-285 Added missing i18n ubo.interviewer.abbreviated by @Possommi in #336
- UBO-292 Made org.mycore.ubo.matcher.MCRUserMatcherLDAP#getUserNameFromLDAPUser protected by @Possommi in #343
- UBO-293 FSU040THUL-2186 Fixed generated heading for local users to "family name, given name" by @Possommi in #344
- DMS-301 add css class for JOP service images and fix layout by @kkrebs in #345
- merge develop into main by @kkrebs in #304
Full Changelog: v2022.06-20230711...v2022.06-20240115
What's Changed
- UBO-200 Migrate to Java 17 and MyCoRe 2022.6.x by @Possommi in #279
- UBO-238 User profile displays linked publications regardless of state by @Possommi in #278
- UBO-227 Provide html anchor to cancel button by @Possommi in #283
- UBO-241 Add count from LocalService to count from LDAPService by @Possommi in #281
- UBO-242 response-sidebar-mini.xsl/response-newest.xsl takes actual query in to account fo… by @Possommi in #282
- UBO-200 encode colons in solr uri by @kkrebs in #285
- UBO-244 Publication status restriction in solr query in rsc/export/link/{format}/{pids:.+} should be configurable by @Possommi in #286
- UBO-246 Added support for importing list of doi by @Possommi in #289
- UBO-245 Allow subject/destatis to be retrieved alternatively from origin by @Possommi in #288
- fix core function includes by @kkrebs in #291
- UBO-248 add root element modsCollection by @kkrebs in #293
- UBO-247 Indicate which service found a search result in the identity picker by @Possommi in #290
- remove runtime scope of pica2mods, additional libs are needed by @kkrebs in #294
- merge develop by @kkrebs in #292
- Fix dependency management by @sebhofmann in #295
- fix order (is datatype text) and link to new duplication report by @kkrebs in #296
- UBO-250 make user profile more generic by @kkrebs in #297
- UBO-247 Do not check for pid id in App.vue by @Possommi in #299
- UBO-251 Add local user when publication is created and person selected in IdentityPicker does not exist yet by @Possommi in #298
- UBO-252 Fixed odd display of subjects generated from origin classification by @Possommi in #300
- UBO-254 enables variable counter length in facet tile by @TiloNN in #302
Full Changelog: v2021.06-20230417...v2022.06-20230711
What's Changed
- make creator roles configurable and show interviewer comparable to edt by @kkrebs in #280
- use separate message property for display in cite view by @kkrebs in 59a8339
Full Changelog: v2021.06-20230331...v2021.06-20230615