#Introduction Scripts and Instructions to aid in automating integration with NDAR tools and data
#Manual Instructions ##how_to_access_s3_objects.md
#Available Scripts
- Downloads NDAR command-line download manager, used to generate aws credentials from an NDAR username/password.
- Downloads s3cmd from s3tools.org (https://github.com/s3tools/s3cmd)
- Writes configuration files for s3cmd and for Amazon's command-line tool, using credentials generated from the download manager
- s3cmd requires Python 2.6 or higher, and requires some prerequisite libraries; tested with Python2.7
To Use (run each time you want new keys):
python ndar_update_keys.py
After initial run:
- On Linx/Unix
cd ~/ndar_toolkit/s3cmd-master
python setup.py install
- On Windows
cd %HOME%/ndar_toolkit/s3cmd-master
python setup.py install
Now you can use s3cmd.