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kmerguerian edited this page Feb 15, 2017 · 17 revisions

Working with Primo

New UI in production (use this to test myAccount functionality):

New UI in staging (as of Feb. 15):

Clean view, old UI (or swap in vid=NU_CLEAN to the URL's above)

Other useful links

Configuring the new UI using the backoffice (Ex libris knowledgebase)

Sandboxing the frontend from Primo's Backend's-Backend

List of libraries with new Primo UI implemented


  • Check for duplicate issues first.
    • If there is a duplicate issue, add a comment to that.
  • Don't assign me issues, I will take care of assigning it to the right people.
  • Apply labels:
    • Critical Importance
      • Unable to use.
    • Medium Importance
      • Difficult to use. Looks really bad and doesn't look like the rest of the design.
    • Low Importance
      • Worth fixing, but not going to block a user from using the product.
    • etc. don't be afraid to add new labels, but look at which ones already make sense.

Markdown template

Copy and paste this into the issue body. Note you can add the screenshot by dragging, pasting or uploading the image into the body.

 * Screenshot: ![screnshot](
 * URL:
 * Browser: Chrome 27 on Mac
 * Description: I was trying to use the facets on the page

Turns into.

  • Screenshot: screnshot
  • URL:
  • Browser: Chrome 27 on Mac
  • Description: I was trying to use the facets on the page

How to get these: