#Link to Deployed App: https://jaymee-tabletop-revamped.herokuapp.com/
npm install
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run
echo "DANGEROUSLY_DISABLE_HOST_CHECK=true" > .env.development.local
in the project directory
- Run command in terminal:
python app.py
- Run command in another terminal,
into the project directory, and runnpm run start
- Preview web page in browser '/'
- Users name is currently not highlighted on the leaderboard.
##Technicle Issues
- At the beginning of the project, I could not get the board to render properly in a clickable format. I addressed this by researching the react functionalities, and stumbling upon reacts own guide for tic tac toe (using classes)
- I couldn't get the game logic to funciton properly (win conditions). I fixed this through the react hooks tutorial on how to pass the gamestate back to my win conditions file.
- At the beginning of milestone 2, My app did not have proper database persistence, where I could not get tables to be set nor add new users. I fixed this by researching the sql alchemy documentation.