- Overview
- Tech Stack
- Features
- Installation
- Pages
- Design
- What i Learned
- Continued Development
- Contributors
This project is part of my attempt to recreate the site's of popular brands around my region. I had a lot of fun building this project, as i got the chance to practice building tricky layouts.
Nothing to fancy was used to build the project but you can take a look at my tech stack.
- React (Frontend Library)
- Framer Motion (Animation Library)
- Vite (Module Bundler)
- React router dom (For client side Routing)
- Javascript (For all the bugs in my program.)
- A Custom carousel
- Mobile navigation
Installing the project can be done in 4 easy steps.
- Clone the git repository to your locally machine
$ git clone https://www.github.com/nathan_somto/cowrywise-landing-page.git
- Run the command to install all dependencies
$ npm installl
- Start the server
$ npm start
- Open it on your favourite browser (Most likely chrome.)
$ server started on http://localhost:5173
The link to the figma file, i used