Releases: NeoTheFox/RepRaptor
RepRaptor v0.3.8
RepRaptor v0.3.6 - More options
RepRaptor v0.3.5
Cleanup release
This is an early release, and it is due to RepRaptor's release for PPA.
I've had to do much cleanup and qmake tweaks to make it work. As a little addition - win64 would now be provided with win32 builds. If you experience crashes on Windows - try MinGW version.
- Added recent files
- Added history of user's commands
- Reworked the build script, added install targets (Linux)
- Cleaned the code up
- Updated defaults
- Compatability with Qt5.1 and up
From now on no more .deb releases on github - now .debs are built by Launchpad
Builds for trusty, utopic and vivid are supported. For instruction on adding PPA refer to
RepRaptor v0.3
RepRaptor v0.2
A first fully-usable release.
This release is the first usable release. I've used it to print a few things already, and also there is a ton of new features:
- Serial errors handling
- Multiple protocol optimizations
- SD printing support
- More settings
- Flow and speed control
- Emergency stop
- Better step control
- Builds are now static
The last one was a moot point, but from now on there would be static releases for all platforms. Why so? Because I want RepRaptor to work equally on all platforms out there, and I am using latest Qt 5.41 to code it. However, most recent Linux destributions only have versions up to 5.2.1 in the repos, and there are bugs when building against these versions. If static linking bothers you - you can always compile it yourself.
Updating to this is mandatory to avoid some errors in the past releases, so please do update as soon as possible.
Alpha 0.1 release
This is Alpha 0.1 release.
No Linux 32bits or OSX builds yet, but it is possible to compile them from source