released this
08 Nov 21:56
Support for TMT-16 plex.
Peptide FDR filtering to combined peptide reports in Abcaus.
Support for our custom pepXML schema containing extra fields.
Ion Mobility value added to PSM table.
Number of Enzimatic Termini to PSM table.
Number of Missed Cleavages to PSM table.
Uncalibrated Calculated M/Z to PSM table.
Uncalibrated Peptide Mass to PSM table.
Mapped Genes to PSM table.
Calibrated observed mass and m/z to PSM report.
Philosopher will stop if an error is reported by the Prophets.
Updated to Go v1.13.1.
Updated Comet to version 2019011
Removed RawMassDiff from the reports.
The Delta Mass adjustment will only happen if there was no previous mass calibration during the search.
The Corrected DeltaMass value is now used to map Unimod.
Reports wont show isobaric labels that are not used for the analysis anymore (e.g. 10 TMT columns if only 8 are used).
When processing empty pepXML, Philosopher will emit a warning, not a fatal error.
Removed observed masses from combined peptide report.
The nomenclature 'Experimental' and "Calculated' were replaced by 'Observed' and 'Calculated' on the PSM table.
The Cluster command is now called Bioquant.
Updated pipeline configuration file.
Updated documentation.
The filter command was throwing an error when no protein data was present.
Report with TMT was breaking when no annotation file was present.
The Database command will throw an error if no input at all is provided.
The Observed modifications masses were mapping outside the tolerance window.
Wrong protein assignment in PSM tables
The ions report had an issue with missing mapped proteins.
Missing charge states from combined peptide report.
Wrong assignment between PSMs and Ions in both reports.
Missing observed masses from PSM report.
Empty databases if ID was wrong.
Minor bugs and issues.
Docker images
docker pull prvst/philosopher:2.0.0
docker pull prvst/philosopher:latest
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