This is a minimal sample app that demonstrates how to run a Python Flask application on Azure App Service Web.
This repository can directly be deployed to Azure App Service.
For more information, please see the Python on App Service Quickstart docs.
D:\coursework\L4S2\GroupProject\repo\python-docs-hello-world> pip install -r requirements.txt
Then run,
D:\coursework\L4S2\GroupProject\repo\python-docs-hello-world> python
- Erandi: backtesting module
- Dilmi: optimzation module
- Sanka: predictions modules
- Nimmi: anomalies module
The main folder structure is as follows.
Module functions should be wriiten on individual module folders in the root directory.
Images, javascript files should be placed on static folder.
Html templates should be placed on templates folder.
Please observe the behavior of btr module which is a test module to study the work flow.
All the dependencies should be listed in reuirements.txt at the root directory.
All the routes should be listed at at the relevant section.