Control the I/O (like a lamp through a relay) pin of Raspberry Pi from a Client-Server Bluetooth application
Python 2.7 or 3.6 Download Python interpreter here.
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Learn more about RasberryPi project.
PyBluez and Bluetooth support
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev ipython bluetooth libbluetooth-dev
And then:
sudo pip install pybluez
Clone the repo (In your PC and RaspberryPi)
$ git clone $ cd LampByBluetoothPi/
In your RasberryPi, with bluetooth enabled, run:
$ python
- Note: Opening
, you can change GPIO pin
- Note: Opening
In your PC, with bluetooth enabled, run:
$ python -s OPTION
- Note 1: OPTION can be: on, off or exit;
- Note 2: Opening
, you can change Raspberry MAC address or uncomment some lines to search new devices
Developed by Allex Lima, Daniel Bispo, Paulo Moraes and Renan Barroncas with ❤️ using Python.