TGBACK-X is a little library which you can utilize to create an encrypted backup of your Telegram account. If you've been around here before then you probably heard about my old project called TGBACK (without X). Actually, this library is an implementation revisit of the same concept with just about the same purpose.
The difference between the old TGBACK and X version (except completely different backup structure) is that this repository is strictly Python library for devs and doesn't have any App implementation (like Command line app that old TGBACK have). However most importantly, this version doesn't create any backup files (hence the X in name). Instead, it relies on the Providers — third-party services that we use to store encrypted backup data.
- User type password or we generate random N (default 8) mnemonic words;
- We feed password to Scrypt (1GB from defaults), obtain Scrypt key;
- We make (hash) a unique KeyID from Scrypt key material;
- We ask for Telegram login credentials, log into account;
- We take account's session and construct a backup data;
- We encrypt backup data with one of Cryptography Protocol;
- We store the encrypted backup data on Provider server by KeyID.
In that way, User will be able to get Session only by typing secret Phrase. Obviously, this approach may impose some risks — anyone who will be able to type the same Phrase will obtain a full access to account. User should treat its Phrase like Bitcoin seed phrase and never use X version on a compromised Computer, e.g, with malwares / other programs that can record keyboard or screen.
Telegram session is no-special in TGBACK-X and can be killed at any time through Telegram Settings —> Devices or directly from backup data by itself. Disconnected Session is a useless pile of encoded bytes. If you feel that your Phrase may be compromised — destroy session immediately. You can always create a different one. Different backups keep different sessions, so they wouldn't be connected at all.
Default (and currently only one implemented here) Provider is a TelegramChannel
. That is, we keep your encrypted Telegram data inside Telegram! The KeyID would be a Channel public link, and Backup data would be regular message. We utilize interesting Telegram feature — any public Telegram channel can be previewed in Browser without login. See this for example — is a backup that you can make with TelegramChannel
. We fetch backup data (TelegramChannel
crypto protocol) through http requests, decrypt and give Session to User.
I (hope I) made TGBACK-X library modular, so you can create your own Provider / Protocol classes. Currently there is no documentation, but I tried to describe everything in Docstrings. You can refer to them and check how default classes are implemented for basic understanding. While I don't think that there is any sense in adding new cryptography Protocol (JSON_AES_CBC_UB64
seems about enough), different Provider would be interesting to see.
pip install tgback-x
Store Session (Create backup)
import tgback_x
import phrasegen
API_ID: int=1234567 # Obtain at
API_HASH: str='00000000000000000000000000000000'
client = tgback_x.TelegramClient(
# You can also Sign-In with the .send_code_request() and
# the .sign_in() method, as this is just a quick example. See
generator = phrasegen.Generator()
phrase = generator.en.generate()
print('Your phrase is', phrase)
# Customizable. Unique Salt is highly recommendable.
key = tgback_x.crypto.make_scrypt_key(phrase.encode())
provider = tgback_x.providers.TelegramChannel(), client)
Get Session (Load backup)
import tgback_x
phrase = b'here comes your phrase dio ozzy'
key = tgback_x.crypto.make_scrypt_key(phrase)
provider = tgback_x.providers.TelegramChannel()
client = provider.get(tgback_x.crypto.Key(key))
Destroy Session & Backup
import tgback_x
phrase = b'here comes your phrase dio ozzy'
key = tgback_x.crypto.make_scrypt_key(phrase)
provider = tgback_x.providers.TelegramChannel()