This release maintains backward compatibility with the CMIP6 version of BLOM/iHAMOCC used by NorESM2.
Release highlights
- Include option for hybrid vertical coordinates
- Include option for sediment spinup
- Include support for NUOPC driver
- iHAMOCC source code structure:
- completed conversion to free-source format
- explicit use statements for all imported variables
Changes in model structure
The hybrid vertical coordinate formulation relies on an external package CVmix, which is included as a git submodule. When building NorESM, the external dependency should be declared in the Externals.cfg
externals = Externals_BLOM.cfg
Changes in model diagnostics
Some of the model output diagnostics have changed in this release, either due to structural changes or bug fixes. Please use v1.2.0
if you need the older versions of these output fields.
- Starting from commit 9e6bd6b, which introduced hybrid vertical coordinates, model output changed for the following 4 fields:
wflx : vertical mass flux
wflx2 : vertical mass flux squared
bfsq : buoyancy frequency squared
bfsqlvl: buoyancy frequency squared (constant depth levels)
- Pull request #205 included a correction on the variable
dp_trc : This variable is supposed to in unit Pa = kg m-1 s-2 but is wrongly output in unit g cm-1 s-2.
- Pull request #202 changed the definition of the variable
, with the original definition retained in a new variableKWCO2KHM
Original definition table:
! KWCO2 - Piston velocity times solubility (kwco2*kh; moist air) [m s-1 mol kg-1 uatm-1]
New definition table:
! KWCO2 - Piston velocity (kwco2) [m s-1]
! KWCO2KHM - Piston velocity times solubility (kwco2*kh; moist air) [m s-1 mol kg-1 uatm-1]
What's Changed
- Feature hybrid coord2 by @milicak in #116
- Modifications and new features for hybrid vertical coordinate by @matsbn in #117
- Feature hybrid coord2 by @milicak in #118
- Added diagnostics of vertical momentum, heat and salt diffusivities. by @matsbn in #119
- Bottom Brunt-Vaisala frequency computation added. by @milicak in #120
- Diffusivity estimation and diagnostics modifications. by @matsbn in #121
- CVMix subroutines call order changed. by @milicak in #122
- Modified layer range for eddy diffusivity estimation with hybrid vertical coordinate. by @matsbn in #125
- Do not add -DLEVITUS2X option when building with tnx2v1 grid by @JorgSchwinger in #135
- Added functionality to run BLOM with hybrid vertical coordinate in NorESM by @matsbn in #133
- Add mo_clim_swa.F90 to meson.build file. by @TomasTorsvik in #138
- bugfix: removed additional dimension in dust input field in hammoc4bcm by @TomasTorsvik in #149
- Refactor inventory bgc by @TomasTorsvik in #143
- bugfix inventory: Allow zero index iogrp for debugging. by @TomasTorsvik in #155
- bugfix: typo in inventory by @TomasTorsvik in #156
- Expl use statem by @jmaerz in #157
- Remove reference to unused cpp flag RESTART_BGC. by @TomasTorsvik in #158
- Cpp replace dmsph by @TomasTorsvik in #160
- Feature hamocc sediment spinup by @JorgSchwinger in #162
- Set return value for bromoform fluxes also if the scheme is not activated by @JorgSchwinger in #167
- Revise modules for handling of external inputs (N-dep, rinvers, iron)… by @JorgSchwinger in #168
- Fix the compset name for the SSP5-3.4 scenario to conform to the name… by @JorgSchwinger in #171
- Updates to hybrid vertical coordinate and functionality of standalone and NorESM application by @matsbn in #170
- Update meson & bugfix in accfields by @TomasTorsvik in #172
- Update feature-hybrid_coord2 branch with latest iHAMOCC development by @TomasTorsvik in #173
- Ensure checkout of CVMix tag v0.98-beta by @matsbn in #175
- Hybrid vertical coordinate by @matsbn in #176
- Fix timestep inventory by @jmaerz in #174
- Add pause-resume function by @blcc in #177
- Hamocc fix2free by @TomasTorsvik in #184
- Update description in some module headers that were outdated by @JorgSchwinger in #186
- Add framwork for applying ocean alkalinization scenarios by @JorgSchwinger in #187
- ADD oafx to meson by @jmaerz in #188
- Dynamic mapping of pore water tracers to ocean tracers by @jmaerz in #192
- Lon-lat variable sediment porosity by @jmaerz in #189
- Bugfix kOBL by @TomasTorsvik in #182
- Fixing variable sediment porosity - field initialization in case of
by @jmaerz in #198 - Hamocc hybrid coord2 by @TomasTorsvik in #179
- Support for NUOPC driver by @matsbn in #199
- Fix porosity read by @jmaerz in #201
- Correct unit of diagnostic field and make conservation and checksum diagnostics selectable by namelist options by @matsbn in #205
- pCO2, Piston velocity and solubility output by @jmaerz in #202
- Bugfix pnetcdf (#208) by @TomasTorsvik in #209
- Merges the clay units fix to milestones branch. by @jmaerz in #213
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0