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Prototype for codeclub-viewer

This is a prototype for the front-end of codeclub-viewer.

This is a structor prototype of the site codeclub-viewer. (It was based on bootstrap-prepack.)

To look at or modify the prototype, you first have to cd prototype and then

npm install

The following instructions about the prototype assumes you are in the prototype folder.

If you want to just look at the exported prototype, just type

node ./server.js

Then go to your browser and type localhost:3000 in the address bar.

If you want to play with the prototype, and make changes, first install structor globally:

npm install -g structor

Then run it by typing


Then go to your browser and type localhost:2222/structor. Make changes, and preview the site right in the editor. Don't forget to save your work before quitting. If you want to test it out "for real", choose export project (instead of save), and then go to the commandline and write

npm run build
node ./server.js

and go to your browser and type localhost:3000 in your address bar.

If you make changes you are happy about, create a pull-request.

The original README

The rest of the README is the original README from structor.

structor compatible


Structor starter project with React Bootstrap components.


Structor's documentation:

What is inside?

  • react
  • react-router
  • redux, redux-thunk, react-redux
  • redux-saga
  • react-bootstrap
  • express

react-bootstrap is a library of reuseable front-end components. You'll get the look-and-feel of Twitter Bootstrap, but with much cleaner code, via Facebook's React.js framework. In the builder you will have an ability easily compose components right on the page using different variants of Bootstrap components.

But also you can add your own reusable components manually. Every component has its own quick note which is accessible through "Options" -> "ReadMe"

Starting Structor

If you still didn't start the backend server please do the following:

  • Run command: npm install
  • Run command: node ./server.js

Now you can start Structor from command line. To recognise the path of current project's folder Structor has to be started in the root directory of current project or started with command argument -d pointing to project's folder.

  • in project root dir: structor
  • in any other dir: structor -d <path to project directory>

Once you have started Structor you will see the project's workspace. Now you can try to combine components with each other, or generate new React components from the combination, or add new pages, or whatever you want.

Proxy setup

We need to setup proxy because of CORS restriction, it means that Structor runs on 2222 port on localhost, and our application may require to request REST service on 3000 port. That is restricted by browser policy.

To omit that Structor has embedded http proxy, which you can setup while you are working in workspace. So, if your application will work with REST service running on http://localhost:3000/service, setup proxy to: http://localhost:3000 and then application has to use the following pattern for requests /service/....

Current project already has proxy setup to http://localhost:3000. But if you want to direct request from components into another REST or HTTP server you can setup new value in Structor menu:

Exporting pages with routes

In any moment of work with Structor you can export existing pages into real pages with routes. This can be done by selecting option "Export project".

After that you will get a list of generated files of pages' components. And one more additional file for router configuration. In current project these files will be generated into src/routes/ folder. But, you can change this path in .structor/config.json file.

Also you may edit templates for output React components in .structor/templates/ or add your own new with ".tpl" extension.

Building and trying a real Web app

If you want to see the app in action please do the following:

  • Run command: npm run build
  • Run command: node ./server.js

Then, if everything were built and you didn't stop backend server, just go to http://localhost:3000




A front-end prototype for codeclub-viewer made in structor







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