Open Cloud rEconfigurAble NIc offloAding (OCEANIA) is a project that uses AMD RecoNIC Project to bring RDMA into the OCT project for researchers. RDMA technology offloads the traditional network stack onto the underlying NIC hardware, achieving zero-copy networking and reducing CPU involvement. Following the instructions, users can build the RecoNIC project for Alveo U280 FPGA in OCT.
Note: The Oceania project currently utilizes RecoNIC with ERNIC 3.1. However, this version contains certain internal issues related to the ERNIC IP. For example, data verbs can be used individually multiple times, but switching back to RDMA Read operation from other RDMA operations will cause the RDMA core and DMA engine to go into a bad state. We are working on upgrading RecoNIC to use QDMA 5.0 and ERNIC 4.0. Stay tuned!
If you are using a NERC build machine with the P4 tool installed. The environment has been set up for you. If you are not familiar with NERC follow these directions to create an account and setup an instance from here. If you are using your own machine, you should have the following:
- Vivado 2021.2
- vitis_net_p4
How to enable vitis_net_p4: (1) before Vivado installation, we need to '$ export VitisNetP4_Option_VISIBLE=true'; (2) When running Vivado installer, you should be able to see the option for Vitis Networking P4. Make sure you select the vitis_net_p4 option. - ERNIC license
ERNIC license is required in this project. You can either purchase or apply for it through AMD University Program. For further details, please visit AMD ERNIC website. - python >= 3.8
- Xilinx Board Store
$ git clone $ export BOARD_REPO=/your/path/to/XilinxBoardStore
At least two servers, each one has an AMD-Xilinx Alveo U280 FPGA board (A Cloudlab experiment should be created with two nodes. Instructions are given here).
Clone the repo first:
git clone
Enter the directory and update the submodule:
cd oceania
git submodule update --init RecoNIC/
Now apply RecoNIC patches:
cd RecoNIC
git submodule update --init base_nics/open-nic-shell
cp -r base_nics/open-nic-shell/board_files/Xilinx/au280 $BOARD_REPO/boards/Xilinx/
cd ./scripts
If $BOARD_REPO is not set, please do the following
git clone
export BOARD_REPO=/your/path/to/XilinxBoardStore
Copy build tcl script (includes launching multiple implementation tasks in Vivado) and timing constraint for AU280 to RecoNIC project, this helps meet timing requirement during placement and routing:
cp ../../patch/build.tcl ../base_nics/open-nic-shell/script/
cp ../../patch/timing.xdc ../base_nics/open-nic-shell/constr/au280/
Build the bitstream now:
make build_nic
Once the bitstream is successfully built. From the command line, do the following to enter Vivado Command Line tool:
vivado -mode tcl
In Vivado shell, convert .bit file into .mcs file. In OCT, FPGAs are programmed using PCIe:
write_cfgmem -format mcs -size 128 -interface SPIx4 -loadbit "up 0x01002000 open_nic_shell.bit" -file "reconic.mcs"
Save and copy the generated reconic.mcs file to the experiment servers in OCT(A Cloudlab experiment should be created with two nodes with two Alveo U280 FPGAs. Instructions are given here).
Once the reconic.mcs has been copied to the two reserved OCT nodes, run the following to program the two FPGAs:
sudo xbflash2 program --spi --image ./reconic.mcs --bar-offset 0x40000 -d 3b:00.0
Clone the repo first
git clone
Enter the directory and update the submodule
cd oceania
git submodule update --init RecoNIC/
cd RecoNIC
Install the RecoNIC driver
git submodule update --init drivers/onic-driver
cd ./scripts
cd ../drivers/onic-driver
sudo insmod onic.ko
Get MAC address and ethernet interface name assigned by the driver
dmesg | grep "Set MAC address to"
onic 0000:d8:00.0 onic216s0f0 (uninitialized): Set MAC address to 0:a:35:29:33:0
In this example, the new MAC address is [0x00, 0x0a, 0x35, 0x29, 0x33, 0x00], while the ethernet interface name assigned is 'onic216s0f0'. It is possible that the ethernet interface, 'onic216s0f0', might be renamed by the operating system. You can check with the following commands.
dmesg | grep "renamed from"
[ 146.932392] onic 0000:d8:00.0 ens8: renamed from onic216s0f0
In this case, the ethernet interface is renamed as "ens8" from "onic216s0f0".
Set IP addresses for the two peers
Peer 1
$ sudo ifconfig onic216s0f0 netmask broadcast
Peer 2
$ sudo ifconfig onic216s0f0 netmask broadcast
Test network connectivity
Peer 1
$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.188 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.194 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.222 ms
Peer 2
$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.248 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.174 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.201 ms
If everything works fine, it should return similar output from your terminals. After verifying, you can stop ping. The system is now up.
RecoNIC user-space library (green boxes shown in the above RecoNIC system overview figure) contains all necessary APIs for RDMA, memory and control operations. To obtain the document for source codes, you can simply run with
cd ./lib
The source code documents will be generated at ./lib/html.
Before we run test cases and applications, we need to build the libreconic library.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/your/path/to/RecoNIC/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
The generated static, libreconic.a, and shared library,, are located at ./lib folder. We are ready to play test cases and applications.
Currently, RecoNIC uses HugePages for memory allocation. We need to configure the number of huge pages first (Each hugepage by default is 2MB, 2048 hugepages is 4 GB of memory):
sudo su -
echo 2048 > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages
The rdma_test folder contains RDMA read, write and send/receive test cases using libreconic.
Build RDMA read, write and send/recv program.
cd examples/rdma_test
RDMA Read operation: The client node issues RDMA read request to the server node first. The server node then replies with the RDMA read response packet.
$ ./read -h
usage: ./read [OPTIONS]
-d (--device) character device name (defaults to /dev/reconic-mm)
-p (--pcie_resource) PCIe resource
-r (--src_ip) Source IP address
-i (--dst_ip) Destination IP address
-u (--udp_sport) UDP source port
-t (--tcp_sport) TCP source port
-q (--dst_qp) Destination QP number
-z (--payload_size) Payload size in bytes
-l (--qp_location) QP/mem-registered buffers' location: [host_mem | dev_mem]
-s (--server) Server node
-c (--client) Client node
-g (--debug) Debug mode
-h (--help) print usage help and exit
Run the program
sudo ./read -r -i -p /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:d8\:00.0/resource2 -z 128 -l host_mem -d /dev/reconic-mm -c -u 22222 -t 11111 --dst_qp 2 -g 2>&1 | tee client_debug.log
Run the program
sudo ./read -r -i -p /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:d8\:00.0/resource2 -z 128 -l host_mem -d /dev/reconic-mm -s -u 22222 -t 11111 --dst_qp 2 -g 2>&1 | tee server_debug.log
If the program exits with an error saying is not found, you can try with "sudo env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./read", instead of "sudo ./read".
The above example allocates the QP (SQ, CQ and RQ) in the host memory. If you want the QP to be allocated in the host memory, you can simply replace "-l host_mem" with "-l dev_mem" on both receiver and sender nodes.
RDMA Write operation: The client node issues RDMA write request to the server node directly. Usage of the RDMA write program is the same with RDMA read program above.
Run the program
sudo ./write -r -i -p /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:d8\:00.0/resource2 -z 128 -l host_mem -d /dev/reconic-mm -c -u 22222 -t 11111 --dst_qp 2 -g 2>&1 | tee client_debug.log
Run the program
sudo ./write -r -i -p /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:d8\:00.0/resource2 -z 128 -l host_mem -d /dev/reconic-mm -s -u 22222 -t 11111 --dst_qp 2 -g 2>&1 | tee server_debug.log
If the program exits with an error saying is not found, you can try with "sudo env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./write", instead of "sudo ./write".
The above example allocates the QP (SQ, CQ and RQ) in the host memory. You can allocate QPs on device memory as well by using "-l dev_mem" on both receiver and sender nodes.
RDMA send/recv operation: The server node posts an RDMA receive request, waiting for a RDMA send request to its allocated receive queue. The client node then issues an RDMA send request to the server node. Usage of the RDMA send/receive program is the same iwth RDMA read program above.
Run the program in the receiver mode
sudo ./send_recv -r -i -p /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:d8\:00.0/resource2 -z 128 -l host_mem -d /dev/reconic-mm -c -u 22222 --dst_qp 2 -g 2>&1 | tee client_debug.log
Run the program in the sender mode
sudo ./send_recv -r -i -p /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:d8\:00.0/resource2 -z 16384 -l dev_mem -d /dev/reconic-mm -s -u 22222 --dst_qp 2 -g 2>&1 | tee server_debug.log
If the program exits with an error saying is not found, you can try with "sudo env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./send_recv", instead of "sudo ./send_recv".
The above example allocates the QP (SQ, CQ and RQ) in the host memory. You can allocate QPs on device memory as well by using "-l dev_mem" on both receiver and sender nodes.
RecoNIC Repository:
Getting Started with FPGAs in OCT: