This repository has a C program named udp_receiver.c, which functions as a UDP packet receiver. It is meant to receive packets sent from a U280 FPGA serving as the sender, while the host with a 100 GbE NIC serves as the receiver.
Make sure you've got the required FPGA bitstream and the sender host executable ready before setting up the experiment. You'll find the UDP sender in the udp-network-demo repository. Just follow the instructions provided in the repository to generate the necessary bitstream and host executables.
git clone
Install the following dependencies if required.
Then you can run the following command to build the receiver executable.
Set up a CloudLab experiment by using the 'oct-u280-nic' profile. For this experiment, having one node is enough. This is because nodes in this profile come with both an FPGA and a NIC. However, if you want the sender and receiver on different nodes, you should use two nodes when creating the experiment.
First, set up the IP address of the NIC interface:
sudo ifconfig ens4 netmask up
Start the receiver program on the receiving node:
$ ./receiver <number_of_packets> <decrypt|no-decrypt>
Finally, start the sender program on the sending (FPGA) node:
$ ./udp_host_sender_if0 udp_demo_if0.xclbin <number_of_packets> <encrypt|no-encrypt> <sender IP> <receiver IP> <IP gateway>