ModPhuserEx is a open-source protector for .NET applications. It is a fork of the now discontinued ConfuserEx project.
- Supports .NET Framework 2.0/3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
- (NEW!) Experimental support for .NET Core/ASP.NET Core
- Symbol renaming (Support WPF/BAML, JSON.NET, ASP.NET Core, NancyFx)
- Protection against debuggers/profilers
- Protection against memory dumping
- Protection against tampering (method encryption)
- Control flow obfuscation
- Constant/resources encryption
- Reference hiding proxies
- Disable decompilers
- Embedding dependency
- Compressing output
- Extensible plugin API
- Many more are coming!
Confuser.CLI <path to project file>
The project file is a ConfuserEx Project (*.crproj). The format of project file can be found in docs\
See the Issues section of project.
See LICENSE file for details.
0xFireball for maintaining ModPhuserEx and improving on the awesome ConfuserEx!
yck1509 for developing ConfuserEx!
0xd4d for his awesome work and extensive knowledge!
Members of Black Storm Forum for their help!