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#1 - cpp single ia64 128 bit
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obriensystems committed Dec 29, 2024
1 parent 5bdc0f9 commit 4420673
Showing 1 changed file with 297 additions and 12 deletions.
309 changes: 297 additions & 12 deletions cpu/ia64/singlethread/collatz_cpp_single/collatz_cpp_single.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,19 +2,304 @@

#include <iostream>
//#include "stdafx.h"
//#include <inttypes.h>

int main()
std::cout << "Hello World!\n";
unsigned short FIRST_BIT = 127;
unsigned short number[128];
unsigned short temp[128];
unsigned short maxValue[128];
unsigned short max[128];
unsigned __int64 maxPath;
unsigned __int64 path;

// use long long 64 bit word

__int64 hailstoneMax(__int64 start) {
__int64 maxNumber = 0;
__int64 num = start;
__int64 path = 0;
while (num > 4) {
//printf("%I64d ", maxNumber);
if ((num % 2) > 0) {
//num = (num >> 1) + num + 1; // odd (combined 2-step odd/even = 30% speedup
num = (num << 1) + num + 1; // odd
else {
num >>= 1; // even
if (num > maxNumber) {
maxNumber = num;
return maxNumber;

int isPowerOf2(int radix) {
// check all digits for 0 except radix
for (int i = 0; i < (FIRST_BIT - 1); i++) {
if (number[i] != 0) {
return 0;
// now check radix
if (number[radix] == 1) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;

void shiftLeft(int carry) {
for (int i = 0; i < (FIRST_BIT - 1); i++) {
number[i] = number[i - 1];
// overflow bit 0 is discarded
number[FIRST_BIT] = carry;

void shiftRight(int borrow) {
for (int i = 0; i < (FIRST_BIT - 1); i++) {
number[FIRST_BIT - i] = number[FIRST_BIT - 1 - i];
// underflow bit 63 is discarded
number[0] = 0;

// Run program: Ctrl + F5 or Debug > Start Without Debugging menu
// Debug program: F5 or Debug > Start Debugging menu
void addSelf() {
short carry = 0;
short temp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < FIRST_BIT; i++) {
temp = number[i];
if (number[FIRST_BIT - i] > 0) {
number[FIRST_BIT - i] = 1;
carry = 1;
else {
number[FIRST_BIT - i] = 0;
carry = 0;
} // overflow

void getSequence64() {
__int64 num = 27;
//unsigned long long num = 1;
__int64 maxNumber = 0;
__int64 newMax = 0;
unsigned long long path = 0;
unsigned long long maxPath = 0;
__int64 MAX = (1 << 30); // dont use long long
while (1) {//num < MAX) {
newMax = hailstoneMax(num);
if (newMax > maxNumber) {
printf("\n%I64d,\t%I64d", num, newMax);
maxNumber = newMax;
//printf("\n%d,\t%I64d",num,maxNumber); // or I64u, %llu (do not work properly)
num += 2;

void getSequence128Bench() {
unsigned long long current0 = 0; // no uint64_t typedef
unsigned long long current1 = 0;
unsigned long long maxValue0 = 0;
unsigned long long maxValue1 = 0;
//unsigned long long MAXBIT = LLONG_MAX + 1;//9223372036854775807llu;//18446744073709551615llu >> 1;//16384;// * 65536;// * 65536;// * 65536;
unsigned long long MAXBIT = 9223372036854775808;
int maxPath = 0;//1475 - 2;
int path = 0;
unsigned long long max0 = 0;//7073134427238031588 - 2; // 64 bit unsigned integer, like Java's long
unsigned long long max1 = 0;//470784170169173952 - 2;
// 1,980,976,057,694,848447 // record 88 61 bits 125 max 64,024,667,322,193,133,530,165,877,294,264,738,020
//unsigned long long i0 = 534136224795llu;//446559217279;//1410123943;//77031;//27;
unsigned long long i0 = 3;//1980976057694848447llu;// path 1475 446559217279llu;//1410123943;//77031;//27;
// 470784170169173952:7073134427238031588: 1475

unsigned long long i1 = 0;
unsigned long long temp0_sh = 0;
unsigned long long temp0_ad = 0;
unsigned long long temp1 = 0;

printf("%llu: \n", MAXBIT);
printf("%llu: %llu : %i\n", i0, max0, path);
//for (int64_t i=27; i < 223372036854775808; i+=2) {
for (;;) {
for (int x = 0; x < 16777216; x++) {
current0 = i0;
current1 = i1;
max1 = 0;
max0 = 0;
path = 0;
while (!((current0 == 1) && (current1 == 0))) {
if (current0 % 2 == 0) {
current0 = current0 >> 1;
// shift high byte first
if (current1 % 2 != 0) {
current0 += MAXBIT;
//NSLog(@"u: %llu:%llu %i",current1, current0,path);
current1 = current1 >> 1;
//NSLog(@"x: %llu:%llu %i",current1, current0,path);
else {
temp1 = 3 * current1;// + (current1 << 1);
current1 = temp1;

// shift first - calc overflow 1
temp0_sh = 1 + (current0 << 1);
if (!(current0 < MAXBIT)) {
current1 = current1 + 1;
//NSLog(@"o1: %llu:%llu %i",current1, temp0_sh,path);

// add second - calc overflow 2
temp0_ad = temp0_sh + current0;
if (temp0_ad < current0) { // overflow
current1 = current1 + 1;
//NSLog(@"o2: %llu:%llu %i",current1, temp0_ad,path);
current0 = temp0_ad;
//NSLog(@"z: %llu:%llu %i",current1, current0,path);

if (max1 < current1) {
max1 = current1;
max0 = current0;
//NSLog(@"m: %llu: %llu: %i",max1, max0, path);
else {
if (max1 == current1) {
if (max0 < current0) {
max0 = current0;
//NSLog(@"b: %llu: %lld: %i",max1, max0, path);
//bool maxSet = false;
if (maxValue1 < max1) {
maxValue0 = max0;
maxValue1 = max1;
printf("m1: %llu:%llu %llu:%llu: %i\n", i1, i0, max1, max0, path);
else {
if (maxValue1 == max1) {
if (maxValue0 < max0) {
maxValue0 = max0;
printf("m0: %llu:%llu %llu:%llu: %i\n", i1, i0, max1, max0, path);
if (maxPath < path) {
maxPath = path;
printf("mp: %llu:%llu %llu:%llu: %i\n", i1, i0, max1, max0, path);
i0 += 2;
printf("%llu:%llu %llu:%llu %i\n", i1, i0, max1, max0, path);

void getSequence64Bench() {
__int64 num = 27;
//unsigned long long num = 1;
__int64 maxNumber = 0;
__int64 newMax = 0;
unsigned long long path = 0;
unsigned long long maxPath = 0;
__int64 MAX = (1 << 4); // dont use long long
unsigned long iter1 = (1 << 6);
unsigned long long iter2;// = (1 << 16);
unsigned long long iter3;// = (1 << 16);
while (iter1-- > 0) {
iter2 = (1 << 16);
while (iter2-- > 0) {
iter3 = (1 << 16);
while (iter3-- > 0) {
newMax = hailstoneMax(num);
if (newMax > maxNumber) {
//printf("\n%d,%I64d,\t%I64d",iter,num, newMax);
//maxNumber = newMax;
printf("\n%d,\t%I64d", num, maxNumber); // or I64u, %llu (do not work properly)
//num += 2;

void clear() {
for (int i = 0; i < FIRST_BIT; i++) {
number[i] = 0;
temp[i] = 0;
maxValue[i] = 0;
max[i] = 0;
path = 0;
maxPath = 0;

__int64 getLong(unsigned short* bitArray) {
__int64 number = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (FIRST_BIT); i++) {
number += bitArray[i] << (FIRST_BIT - i);
return number;
__int64 hailstoneMax2() {
while (!isPowerOf2(FIRST_BIT)) {
if (number[FIRST_BIT] == 1) {
else {
return getLong(number);

void getSequence128() {
// initialize bits

__int64 num = 27;
__int64 maxNumber = 0;
__int64 newMax = 0;
//unsigned long long path = 0;
//unsigned long long maxPath = 0;
__int64 MAX = (1 << 30); // dont use long long
while (1) {//(num < MAX) {
printf("%I64d ", maxNumber);
newMax = hailstoneMax2();
if (newMax > maxNumber) {
printf("\n%I64d,\t%I64d", num, newMax);
maxNumber = newMax;
//printf("\n%d,\t%I64d",num,maxNumber); // or I64u, %llu (do not work properly)
num += 2;

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// 1. Use the Solution Explorer window to add/manage files
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// 6. In the future, to open this project again, go to File > Open > Project and select the .sln file
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
printf("\nCollatz Sequence\n");
return 0;

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