Pandaman is one of the most popular memes in China.
Crazy Pandaman is an app that allows you to make your own pandaman meme.
click here for PRD
click here for demo code
click here to watch the video
I highly recommend reading this post on my blog
you can use a static image with face and text as input, the APP will automatically generate crazy pandaman meme for you!
Dlib is a modern C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms and tools for creating complex software in C++ to solve real world problems.
In this project, we'll use Dlib’s get_frontal_face_detector, along with the 68 point shape prediction model.
When it comes to sensitive content, we'll use BaiduAI's Image Censoring API and Text Censoring API to handle user's input(both image and text)
We’ve successfully built the very first part in a program that could be used as an API to generate memes automatically.
By hooking up our program to something like Flask, we could display a web page allowing for users to upload their own images, and get back fully complete memes.