Simple DS18B20 temperature sensor library for ESP8266 RTOS SDK for reading Celsius temperature with different resolutions from singular device.
// Create variable for handler
ds18b20_handler_t sensor;
// Check for any initialization failures
if (!ds18b20_init(&sensor, GPIO_NUM_12, TEMP_RES_12_BIT))
ESP_LOGE("TAG", "Failed to initalize DS18B20!");
return 0; // Exit
float temp = 0;
// Initalize conversion
// If you doesn't convert temperature you may read 85.0 Celsius,
// as it is default temperature set by DS18B20 if convert command wasn't issued.
temp = ds18b20_read_temp(&sensor); // Read temperature
// Print temperature with 4 decimal places
// (12 bit resolution measurement accuracy is 0.0625 Celsius)
ESP_LOGI("TAG", "Temperature = %.4f", temp);
NOTE: If last statement doesn't print temperature you may have to disable Newlib nano in