Android App that permit to track expenses using Firebase 3.+ functionalities and following Material Design guidelines
Signup a new account or login if you already created it, click to the floating action button with the plus to add a new expense or click on already created expense to edit (is possible pick up a date double clicking on the date field) or edit it.
- add back button instead of navigation drawer open menu in the top left of the manipulate expense view
- Add progress bar when we retrieve data / send data from / to Firebase to give visual feedback to the user
- Add “Total Expense” field in order to see in realtime how much is the total of the expense
- Manage network messages if the connection is not available and permit to the user to use it offline with local data
- Set more appropriate error messages
- Add user email at the top of the navigation drawer to give a better user experience
- Add remove user, change password and email functionalities
- Add the chance to choose the currency of the expenses
- Add a set of icons that can be added to each expense
- Permit to group expenses for date/category
- Permit to order the expense for a certain criteria
- Permit to search between the expenses
- Add instrumentation tests