This repository includes multiple scripts, particularly gms_ssl_pinning.js and gps_ssl_pinning.js.
Both scripts are linked to and used for Android HTTP(S) communication, sometimes relying on Cronet
We can very roughly summarize the use of these services as follows:
Used for Google Play (e.g., Play Store browsing) services traffic generation and other Play Integrity communication, including:
- [PI] Attestation Request (DroidGuard result ↔ Google backend)
Used for VM/bytecode requests for both SafetyNet and Play Integrity, and involved in basic SafetyNet communication:
[PI] VM & Bytecode Request
[SN] VM & Bytecode Request
[SN] Attestation Request (DroidGuard result <-> Google backend)
You will also find a mitm script to capture safetynet/play integrity traffic. This will help in reversing the DroidGuard VM and what not keep it up to date.
TODO: Finish Reversing DroidGuard
TODO: Add a Python <-> Java bridge to avoid recompiling the app everytime and trace custom bytecode
The deeper we explore Google's services, the more fascinating the journey gets 😊