BME Software Architectures assignment in 2022. It scrapes MÁV RSS feed, and analyses data with NLP.
To install the sotware you have to first set the enviroment variables in either the .env
file, or in your operating system.
The enviroment variables the program expects are:
: this is required, it is an Azure API keyCOGNITIVE_SERVICE_BASE
default='bme-mav-nlp': this is the API endpoint name to use, it is automaticly appended to the full link.COGNITIVE_SERVICE_ENDPOINT
default='https://COGNITIVE_SERVICE_BASE': this is the actual endpoint to use for Azure NLPRSS_FEED_STORAGE_LOCATION
default='rss_feed_collection.csv': where data from the RSS feed are storedINCIDENTS_STORAGE_LOCATION
default='incidents.csv': where NLP results are storedINCIDENTS_STORAGE_LOCATION
default='feed.log': incident storage creates logs, which are stored here
The package requires Python 3.10 or later.
To install the packages simply run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m nltk.downloader stopwords
python -m spacy download en_core_web_md
To run the main loop there is a cli interface:
python -m scr main-scrape-loop --sleep_time <seconds>
where the parameter determines how much time should be between RSS fetches.
This repository uses pip-tools
To set up a development enviroment run:
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
To update the requirements of the proejct, modify the correct *
file, and the run:
pip-compile --upgrade --resolver=backtracking
To upgrade your virtual enviroment run:
To set up production use the requirements.txt