This example implementation shows how to simply implement a quota exhaustion action
- Put the resulting JAR on the OpenAM classpath (WEB-INF/lib)
- Execute the following ssoadm command:
$ openam/bin/ssoadm set-attr-choicevals -s iPlanetAMSessionService -t Global -a iplanet-am-session-constraint-handler -u amadmin -f .pass -p -k myKey=org.forgerock.openam.examples.quotaexhaustionaction.SampleQuotaExhaustionAction
- Edit the WEB-INF/classes/ file and add the following content:
myKey=Randomly Destroy Session
- Restart OpenAM
Everything in this repository is licensed under the ForgeRock CDDL license:
For more information on this example quota exhaustion action check out this blog entry: