Load transit landmarks, stops and street intersections into the Pelias geocoder.
cd /srv/pelias_loader/projects/schema
curl -XDELETE 'localhost:9200/pelias?pretty'
node scripts/create_index.js
cd -
npm install
npm start
curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/pelias/_search?pretty=true&q=*:*
curl -XGET http://localhost:3100/v1/search?text=2
curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/pelias/_search?pretty=true&q=name.default:*SMART%20Stop*
note: you might need to set an env var to find pelis.json (if you keep getting 'transit' not in your schema errors, try the following):
export PELIAS_CONFIG=${PWD#/cygdrive/c}/pelias.json
- TBD ... each version of Elastic Search has a different way to bulk delete
- TBD ... so waiting on Pelias to officially use ElasticSearch v5.x
- curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/pelias/_search?q=source:transit&pretty'
- might need delete api plugin: https://github.com/pelias/dockerfiles/blob/master/elasticsearch/2.4/Dockerfile
- git clone https://github.com/OpenTransitTools/pelias.transit.loader.git
- cd pelias.transit.loader
- git update-index --no-assume-unchanged pelias.json
- git update-index --assume-unchanged pelias.json
- export DATA_DIR=/data
- rm -rf $DATA_DIR/transit/*
- docker rmi -f pelias_transit
- mkdir -p $DATA_DIR/transit
- docker build --tag pelias_transit .
- docker images
- docker run -i -v $DATA_DIR:/data -t pelias_transit npm run download
- ls /data/transit
- note ... more Pelias / Transit Docker fun available from OTT Pelias Dockerfiles