Orchard Core 1.1.0
See the full release notes in the documentation.
What's Changed
- Update README.md by @matiasmolleja in #9975
- Remove state machine from RazorViewActionFilter for common case by @lahma in #9996
- Optimize AddTokenToPath by @lahma in #9995
- Not use a current culture when checking invalid autoroute path by @aaronamm in #9985
- Added IPageFilter to NotifyFilter by @brunoAltinet in #9970
- Fixes contained item routes unicity by @jtkech in #9949
- Add extension method for site setting deployments by @deanmarcussen in #9728
- Configure ApiExplorer at the tenant level. by @jtkech in #9928
- Liquid intellisense for monaco by @MichaelPetrinolis in #9581
- Fix task.json for powershell by @ns8482e in #9821
- MailKit, MimeKit 2.14.0 by @agriffard in #9997
- Cypress 8.1 by @agriffard in #10001
- Reduce allocations in CamelFriendly by @lahma in #9994
- CodeMirror 5.62.2 by @agriffard in #10003
- Monaco editor 0.26.1 by @agriffard in #10002
- Fontawesome icons semantic fix (SonarQube) by @Skrypt in #10009
- Flow alignment icon always render as left aligned. by @microposmp in #9976
- Fix rendering of workflow modal dialogs. by @microposmp in #10025
- Cypress 8.2 by @agriffard in #10035
- Font awesome 5.15.4 by @agriffard in #10036
- Fixing build on 6.0-preview7 by @sebastienros in #10038
- StartBootstrap ComingSoon 6.0.4 by @agriffard in #10044
- StartBootstrap CleanBlog 6.0.5 by @agriffard in #10043
- StartBootstrap Agency 7.0.6 by @agriffard in #10042
- HrmlSanitizer 6.0.437 by @agriffard in #10047
- Azure Identity 1.4.1 by @agriffard in #10048
- Add UsersFolder for media assets by @felixhoi in #9357
- Bootstrap 5.1 by @agriffard in #10029
- .NET 5.0.9 and 3.1.18 by @agriffard in #10095
- HtmlSanitizer 6.0.441 by @agriffard in #10096
- Use assets build for liquid intellisense by @MichaelPetrinolis in #10006
- Fallback to the "Default" Picker Field Result Provider by @jtkech in #10085
- allow file attachments for deployment steps by @giannik in #10102
- Expanded strongly typed example with update endpoint by @brunoAltinet in #10019
- Implementing Zone shape alternates (Lombiq Technologies: OCORE-62) by @Piedone in #10083
- Add site settings deployment for Content Audit Trail Settings and Google features (Lombiq Technologies: OCORE-63) by @Piedone in #10088
- Adjust OpenId server settings deploy source to match recipe step, #6364 by @kaipm in #10089
- Use step model for OpenId server settings deploy by @kaipm in #10109
- BenchmarkDotNet 0.13.1 by @agriffard in #10112
- Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk 16.11 by @agriffard in #10111
- Cypress 8.3 by @agriffard in #10130
- Update README.md by @MikeAlhayek in #10128
- Fix build on net6.0 by @sebastienros in #10137
- Allow to edit TimeField Seconds and ms by @jtkech in #10141
- MailKit and MimeKit 2.15.0 by @agriffard in #10142
- do not enable orchardcore.feeds by default in standard recipes by @giannik in #10116
- Publish symbol for v1.0 by @ns8482e in #10129
- Monaco 0.27 by @agriffard in #10147
- Add Cc and Bcc to Workflow EmailTask by @Skrypt in #10174
- Lucene : Fix RangeQuery when parsing integer values from JSON by @Skrypt in #10173
- Generate Rule Condition TargetUrl in correct location by @deanmarcussen in #10124
- Subject & Body are not required if the confirmation is false by @hishamco in #9844
- OpenIddict 3.1.1 by @agriffard in #10203
- Updated Program.cs for Templates by @ns8482e in #9930
- Use of new StaticFileOptions for Modules by @ns8482e in #10118
- Update deployment controller Create form to support files by @giannik in #10127
- Allow custom editors for bag / flow / widgetsList parts by @jtkech in #10167
- Remove unnecessary check when set HttpsPort by @hishamco in #10177
- Add Content-Language HTTP header feature by @hishamco in #10178
- Use NotContains() in query in place of IsNotIn<>() when applied on the same index. by @jtkech in #10180
- URI components Liquid accessors by @jtkech in #9808
- Doc for URI components Liquid accessors by @jtkech in #10179
- Cypress 8.3.1 by @agriffard in #10187
- Jint 3.0.0-beta-2034 by @agriffard in #10192
- Markdig 0.26.0 by @agriffard in #10194
- NLog.Web 4.14 by @agriffard in #10185
- CodeMirror 5.62.3 by @agriffard in #10193
- Minor typo fix in comments tag by @sfsharapov in #10225
- Fixes #10211: Localization feature not listed in the admin by @jtkech in #10237
- Diagnostics module fix (#9987) by @lampersky in #10206
- Remove unnecessary references by @EternityTeam in #10228
- Add health checks options by @hishamco in #10153
- Add link to AutoSetup in the Setup docs by @brunoAltinet in #10201
- Docs - some clarity on AutoSetup parameters by @brunoAltinet in #10205
- Messaging when getting Part InvalidCastException by @brunoAltinet in #10162
- Bootstrap 5.1.1 by @agriffard in #10232
- alias versioning shouldn't remove any text by @tropcicstefan in #10273
- .NET 5.0.10 and .NET Core 3.1.19 by @agriffard in #10270
- Azure.Storage.Blobs 12.10.0 by @agriffard in #10242
- Cypress 8.4.0 by @agriffard in #10267
- Fixed default Serilog path for case sensitive file systems. by @andrewjcarney in #10268
- DisplayText value of a cloned item is set before calling CreateAsync by @andycyberian in #10286
- GraphQL fix (#10276) by @lampersky in #10277
- Update placement for DashboardWidget for LiquidPart and MarkdownBodyPart by @ns8482e in #10248
- Fix tmp file naming conflict by @evaldsen in #10245
- Serilog path by @jtkech in #10294
- MimeKit 2.15.1 by @agriffard in #10296
- Migrate INotifier to support async implementations by @deanmarcussen in #10301
- Remove unnecessary role attributes (Lombiq Technologies: OCORE-64) by @Piedone in #10292
- Preserve browser Autofill for bag, flow and widgetList parts by @jtkech in #10166
- Fix logging of the notification message by @mroskamp in #10321
- NodaTime 3.0.6 by @agriffard in #10339
- Cypress 8.4.1 by @agriffard in #10341
- Cypress 8.5.0 by @agriffard in #10357
- js-cookie 3.0.1 by @agriffard in #10004
- Use IStringLocalizer in Model.AddError() by @hishamco in #10323
- Logging usage by @jtkech in #10370
- Encode redirect urls by @sebastienros in #10368
- Add store external tokens to OpenID Client recipe step by @deanmarcussen in #10373
- JSON Recipe Deployment Step by @deanmarcussen in #10303
- StartBootstrap Agency 7.0.7 by @agriffard in #10356
- StartBootstrap Clean Blog 6.0.6 by @agriffard in #10372
- CodeMirror 5.63.1 by @agriffard in #10385
- Monaco 0.28.1 by @agriffard in #10355
- Package dependencies by @agriffard in #10354
- Remove EscapeUriString usage by @sebastienros in #10392
- Material icons 1.7.0 by @agriffard in #10386
- Tenant Feature Profiles - Include or Exclude tenant features and/or themes by @deanmarcussen in #9178
- OpenID Recipes: use step model instead of view model, support update by @kaipm in #10136
- Document [image] Shortcode #8612 by @nogginbox in #10400
- NodaTime 3.0.7 by @agriffard in #10401
- Refactor IQueryResult usage by @Skrypt in #10312
- Refactor ContainedPart indexing to consider display Order data. by @Skrypt in #10425
- Fixing rendering of helper and block tag helper by @ns8482e in #10427
- Tenant Feature Profiles docs polishing (Lombiq Technologies: OCORE-68). by @Piedone in #10432
- Bootstrap 5.1.2 by @agriffard in #10411
- Monaco 0.29 by @agriffard in #10446
- SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web 1.0.4 by @agriffard in #10358
- Add Media background checkerboard pattern for transparent images. by @Skrypt in #10440
- Dependencies packages by @agriffard in #10473
- contentitem tag fix liquid syntax in document by @ns8482e in #10435
- Update nlog defaults by @deanmarcussen in #10476
- Return BadRequest when create a content with non existance content type by @hishamco in #10474
- Avoid showing error details to client side by @infofromca in #10418
- Cypress 8.6.0 by @agriffard in #10478
- Added Total support for Lucene API queries by @hyzx86 in #9259
- .NET 5.0.11 and .NET Core 3.1.20 by @agriffard in #10480
- Sitemaps fix null reference when no content types by @deanmarcussen in #10486
- Sitemap deployment plans and recipes by @deanmarcussen in #10485
- Upgrade Fluid to 2.1.0 by @hishamco in #10483
New Contributors
- @aaronamm made their first contribution in #9985
- @felixhoi made their first contribution in #9357
- @sfsharapov made their first contribution in #10225
- @andrewjcarney made their first contribution in #10268
- @evaldsen made their first contribution in #10245
- @mroskamp made their first contribution in #10321
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0