Install latest Node 8
npm install
npm start
Example app is available at http://localhost:4000
Allows to debug the app integration in a container app
npm run install-into ../target-app-directory
The docker compose environment starts everything required to run a local auth server for testing
It requires secret files / environment variables for the ssl and tokens, see below on a suggested method to create new ones
Once you have the required files, start the environment:
docker-compose up
Auth server is available at https://localhost:8001/auth/check
To get GitHub OAuth keys, create a new OAuth App with the following details:
- Homepage URL:
- Authorization callback URL:
Following commands generates the required keys and creates the secret.env
file which is used to provide parameters to the auth server, see datahq/auth for more details.
openssl genrsa -out secret.tmpkey 2048
openssl rsa -in secret.tmpkey -out secret-private.pem -outform pem
openssl rsa -in secret.tmpkey -out secret-public.pem -outform pem -pubout
echo "PRIVATE_KEY=`echo $(cat secret-private.pem)`
PUBLIC_KEY=`echo $(cat secret-public.pem)`
EXTERNAL_ADDRESS=" > secret.env
rm secret.tmpkey secret-private.pem secret-public.pem
Generate self-signed ssl certificates for traefik:
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -subj "/C=US/ST=Denial/L=Springfield/O=Dis/CN=localhost" -keyout traefik.key -out traefik.crt