π IMPROVE: Use uppercased, underscore env var for lucee extensions inβ¦ #37
GitHub Actions / Test Results - Lucee 5 on JRE 11
Feb 21, 2024 in 0s
All 138 tests pass, 23 skipped in 6s
ββ1 filesββ155 suitesβββ6s β±οΈ
161 testsβ138 β
β23 π€β0 β
190 runsββ138 β
β52 π€β0 β
Results for commit 434960b.
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github-actions / Test Results - Lucee 5 on JRE 11
23 skipped tests found
There are 23 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
Raw output
tests.specs.EventHandlerTest β Global event listener (EventHandler.cfc) emits onEvict
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes elementcolumn
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes elementtype
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes formula
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes index
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes length
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes precision
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes scale
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes structkeycolumn
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes structkeytype
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes unique
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes uniquekey
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes unsavedValue
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes validate
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes validateParams
tests.specs.builtins.EntitySaveTest β entitySave() can forceInsert=true
tests.specs.dbMappingTest β useDBForMapping Can read table column data from the database
tests.specs.luceeTests.orm.Hibernate β tests.specs.luceeTests.orm.Hibernate testDialectMSSQL
tests.specs.luceeTests.orm.Hibernate β tests.specs.luceeTests.orm.Hibernate testDialectMYSQL
tests.specs.luceeTests.orm.Hibernate β tests.specs.luceeTests.orm.Hibernate testDialectPostgres
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV4017 β Testcase for LDEV4017 Access the lazy-loaded ORM entity after the transaction ends
tests.specs.tickets.LDEV0374 β LDEV-0374 - usage of date member functions on ORM properties Can use date.diff() - Lucee 6
tests.specs.transactionTest β all transaction functionality transactionRollback() Can roll back to savepoints
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results - Lucee 5 on JRE 11
161 tests found
There are 161 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
tests.specs.EventHandlerTest β Global event listener (EventHandler.cfc) emits onClear
tests.specs.EventHandlerTest β Global event listener (EventHandler.cfc) emits onEvict
tests.specs.EventHandlerTest β Global event listener (EventHandler.cfc) emits pre/post delete events
tests.specs.EventHandlerTest β Global event listener (EventHandler.cfc) emits pre/post insert events
tests.specs.EventHandlerTest β Global event listener (EventHandler.cfc) emits pre/post load events
tests.specs.EventHandlerTest β Global event listener (EventHandler.cfc) emits pre/post update events
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β Field Types boolean Can get the default value
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β Field Types boolean can set value
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β Field Types date Can get the default value
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β Field Types date can set value
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β Field Types datetime Can get the default value
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β Field Types datetime can set value
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β Field Types int Can get the default value
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β Field Types int can set value
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β Field Types integer Can get the default value
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β Field Types integer can set value
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β Field Types string Can get the default value
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β Field Types string can set value
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β Field Types string truncates past length
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β Field Types timestamp Can get the default value
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β Field Types timestamp can set value
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β Field Types timezone Can get the default value
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β Field Types timezone can set value
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β insert/update constraints insert=false can update
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β insert/update constraints insert=false inserts null
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β insert/update constraints update=false can insert
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β insert/update constraints update=false will not update
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes dbdefault
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes default Can get the default value
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes default can save entity with default value
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes default can set value
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes elementcolumn
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes elementtype
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes formula
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes index
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes length
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes notnull
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes precision
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes scale
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes structkeycolumn
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes structkeytype
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes unique
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes uniquekey
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes unsavedValue
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes validate
tests.specs.KitchenSinkTest β other property attributes validateParams
tests.specs.builtins.EntityLoadByPKTest β entityLoadByPK() Can load existing entity by ID
tests.specs.builtins.EntityLoadByPKTest β entityLoadByPK() LDEV-4461 - positional and named arguments testcase checking named arguments on ORM EntityLoadByPk
tests.specs.builtins.EntityLoadByPKTest β entityLoadByPK() LDEV-4461 - positional and named arguments testcase checking named arguments on ORM EntityLoadByPk with unique
tests.specs.builtins.EntityLoadByPKTest β entityLoadByPK() LDEV-4461 - positional and named arguments testcase checking positional arguments on ORM EntityLoadByPk
tests.specs.builtins.EntityLoadByPKTest β entityLoadByPK() LDEV-4461 - positional and named arguments testcase checking positional arguments on ORM EntityLoadByPk with unique
tests.specs.builtins.EntityLoadByPKTest β entityLoadByPK() Returns null if ID not found
tests.specs.builtins.EntityLoadTest β entityLoad() LDEV-4285 - Positional and named arguments testcase entityLoad() with named arguments(name, idOrFilter)
tests.specs.builtins.EntityLoadTest β entityLoad() LDEV-4285 - Positional and named arguments testcase entityLoad() with named arguments(name, idOrFilter, options)
tests.specs.builtins.EntityLoadTest β entityLoad() LDEV-4285 - Positional and named arguments testcase entityLoad() with named arguments(name, idOrFilter, uniqueOrOrder)
tests.specs.builtins.EntityLoadTest β entityLoad() LDEV-4285 - Positional and named arguments testcase entityLoad() with named arguments(name, idOrFilter, uniqueOrOrder, options)
tests.specs.builtins.EntityLoadTest β entityLoad() LDEV-4285 - Positional and named arguments testcase entityLoad() with named arguments(name, options)
tests.specs.builtins.EntityLoadTest β entityLoad() LDEV-4285 - Positional and named arguments testcase entityLoad() with named arguments(name, uniqueOrOrder)
tests.specs.builtins.EntityLoadTest β entityLoad() LDEV-4285 - Positional and named arguments testcase entityLoad() with positional argument(name)
tests.specs.builtins.EntityLoadTest β entityLoad() LDEV-4285 - Positional and named arguments testcase entityLoad() with positional arguments(name, idOrFilter)
tests.specs.builtins.EntityLoadTest β entityLoad() LDEV-4285 - Positional and named arguments testcase entityLoad() with positional arguments(name, idOrFilter, uniqueOrOrder)
tests.specs.builtins.EntityLoadTest β entityLoad() LDEV-4285 - Positional and named arguments testcase entityLoad() with positional arguments(name, idOrFilter, uniqueOrOrder, options)
tests.specs.builtins.EntityReloadTest β entityReload() will reload entity from session
tests.specs.builtins.EntitySaveTest β entitySave() can forceInsert=false
tests.specs.builtins.EntitySaveTest β entitySave() can forceInsert=true
tests.specs.builtins.EntitySaveTest β entitySave() can save a new entity
tests.specs.builtins.EntitySaveTest β entitySave() can save an existing entity
tests.specs.builtins.ORMEvictCollectionTest β ormEvictCollection() Can evict collection (relation) on an entity type
tests.specs.builtins.ORMEvictCollectionTest β ormEvictCollection() Can evict collection item by ID
tests.specs.builtins.entityMergeTest β entityMerge() will merge modified, detached entity back into session
tests.specs.builtins.entityNameArrayTest β entityNameArray() will return known entity names
tests.specs.builtins.entityNameListTest β entityNameList() will return entity name string
tests.specs.builtins.entityNameListTest β entityNameList() will return known entities
tests.specs.builtins.entityNameListTest β entityNameList() will use the passed delimiter
tests.specs.builtins.entityNewTest β entityNew() can populate an entity
tests.specs.builtins.entityNewTest β entityNew() returns an entity
tests.specs.builtins.entityNewTest β entityNew() will not throw on a defined, non-persistent property
tests.specs.builtins.entityNewTest β entityNew() will throw on undefined properties
tests.specs.builtins.ormExecuteQueryTest β ormExecuteQuery() can pass array of query parameters
tests.specs.builtins.ormExecuteQueryTest β ormExecuteQuery() can pass struct of query parameters
tests.specs.builtins.ormExecuteQueryTest β ormExecuteQuery() can use count() with unique=true
tests.specs.builtins.ormExecuteQueryTest β ormExecuteQuery() can use count() with unique=true and options struct
tests.specs.builtins.ormExecuteQueryTest β ormExecuteQuery() can use inline parameters
tests.specs.builtins.ormExecuteQueryTest β ormExecuteQuery() can use legacy ? parameter syntax
tests.specs.builtins.ormExecuteQueryTest β ormExecuteQuery() can use named parameter syntax with options struct
tests.specs.builtins.ormExecuteQueryTest β ormQueryExecute() can pass array of query parameters
tests.specs.builtins.ormExecuteQueryTest β ormQueryExecute() can pass struct of query parameters
tests.specs.builtins.ormExecuteQueryTest β ormQueryExecute() can use count() with unique=true
tests.specs.builtins.ormExecuteQueryTest β ormQueryExecute() can use count() with unique=true and options struct
tests.specs.builtins.ormExecuteQueryTest β ormQueryExecute() can use inline parameters
tests.specs.builtins.ormExecuteQueryTest β ormQueryExecute() can use legacy ? parameter syntax
tests.specs.builtins.ormExecuteQueryTest β ormQueryExecute() can use named parameter syntax with options struct
tests.specs.configXMLTest β ormConfig.xml DOES NOT throw on invalid XML
tests.specs.configXMLTest β ormConfig.xml can set ad hoc config properties in Hibernate SessionFactory
tests.specs.datasourceTest β multiple datasource support entity datasources should persist employee to HR database
tests.specs.dbMappingTest β useDBForMapping Can read table column data from the database
tests.specs.entityEventsTest β entity event listeners() preInsert OOE-12 - can auto-update notnull password from preInsert
tests.specs.entityEventsTest β entity event listeners() preInsert OOE-12 - still throws on null username
tests.specs.entityEventsTest β entity event listeners() preInsert OOE-14 - can preInsert mutate property on parent entity
tests.specs.entityEventsTest β entity event listeners() preInsert OOE-9 - runs preInsert on ormFlush and persists date value state changes
tests.specs.entityEventsTest β entity event listeners() preInsert runs preInsert on ORMFlush to change and persist entity state
tests.specs.entityEventsTest β entity event listeners() preUpdate OOE-12 - can auto-update notnull password from preUpdate
tests.specs.entityEventsTest β entity event listeners() preUpdate OOE-12 - still throws on null username
tests.specs.entityEventsTest β entity event listeners() preUpdate OOE-14 - can preUpdate mutate property on parent entity
tests.specs.entityEventsTest β entity event listeners() preUpdate OOE-9 - runs preUpdate on ormFlush and persists date value state changes
tests.specs.entityEventsTest β entity event listeners() preUpdate runs preUpdate on ORMFlush to change and persist entity state
tests.specs.hbmXMLTest β hbm.xml format is generated on orm startup
tests.specs.hbmXMLTest β hbm.xml format is valid XML
tests.specs.hbmXMLTest β hbm.xml format matches the expected format
tests.specs.luceeTests.orm.Hibernate β tests.specs.luceeTests.orm.Hibernate testDialectH2
tests.specs.luceeTests.orm.Hibernate β tests.specs.luceeTests.orm.Hibernate testDialectMSSQL
tests.specs.luceeTests.orm.Hibernate β tests.specs.luceeTests.orm.Hibernate testDialectMYSQL
tests.specs.luceeTests.orm.Hibernate β tests.specs.luceeTests.orm.Hibernate testDialectPostgres
tests.specs.luceeTests.orm.Hibernate β tests.specs.luceeTests.orm.Hibernate testMany2Many
tests.specs.luceeTests.orm.Hibernate β tests.specs.luceeTests.orm.Hibernate testMany2One
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.Jira1829 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.Jira1829 test
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.Jira2275 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.Jira2275 test
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.Jira2872 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.Jira2872 test
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0338 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0338 testORMSettingsDataSource
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0338 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0338 testThisDataSource
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0405 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0405 testORMSettingsDataSource
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0423 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0423 test
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0613 β Running hql query with script With OrmExecuteQuery
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0613 β Running hql query with tag With dbtype hql
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0722 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0722 test
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0723 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0723 test
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0758 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0758 testTransaction
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0881 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0881 test
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0921 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0921 test
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0966 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV0966 test
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1214 β Running hql query With OrmExecuteQuery
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1370 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1370 testWithDefaultSettings
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1370 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1370 testWithSettingsFalse
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1370 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1370 testWithSettingsTrue
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1428 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1428 testAllFunctions
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1428 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1428 testDelete
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1428 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1428 testDeleteByID
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1428 β tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1428 testDeleteWhere
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1641 β Test suite for LDEV-1641 Checking ORM transaction, with larger id
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1741 β Test suite for LDEV-1741 checking ORM secondary ehcache with this.ormsettings.cacheconfig = 'ehcache.xml'
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1741 β Test suite for LDEV-1741 checking ORM secondary ehcache without cacheconfig
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1984 β Test suite for LDEV-1984 checking ORMEvictEntity() with secondary Cache
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV1984 β Test suite for LDEV-1984 checking ORMEvictEntity() without secondary Cache
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets.LDEV4017 β Testcase for LDEV4017 Access the lazy-loaded ORM entity after the transaction ends
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets._LDEV1659 β Test suite for LDEV-1659 Checking ORM cache connection
tests.specs.luceeTests.tickets._LDEV1659 β Test suite for LDEV-1659 Initialize ORM Secondary cache
tests.specs.sqlScriptTest β ormConfig.sqlScript .sql file execution upon startup should execute on startup and seed the database
tests.specs.sqlScriptTest β ormConfig.sqlScript .sql file execution upon startup should throw if sql is not valid
tests.specs.tickets.JIRA2644 β Railo Jira-2644 - composite ID tests can delete by composite key struct
tests.specs.tickets.JIRA2644 β Railo Jira-2644 - composite ID tests can save entity with composite ID
tests.specs.tickets.JIRA2644 β Railo Jira-2644 - composite ID tests can serialize an array of composite ID entities
tests.specs.tickets.Jira3049 β Railo Jira-3049, 'mixed component' test' can save a 'MixedComponent'
tests.specs.tickets.LDEV0374 β LDEV-0374 - usage of date member functions on ORM properties Can use date.compare()
tests.specs.tickets.LDEV0374 β LDEV-0374 - usage of date member functions on ORM properties Can use date.diff() - Lucee 5
tests.specs.tickets.LDEV0374 β LDEV-0374 - usage of date member functions on ORM properties Can use date.diff() - Lucee 6
tests.specs.tickets.LDEV0374 β LDEV-0374 - usage of date member functions on ORM properties Can use dateCompare()
tests.specs.tickets.LDEV0374 β LDEV-0374 - usage of date member functions on ORM properties Can use dateDiff()
tests.specs.tickets.LDEV0903 β LDEV-0903 - working with composite keys Can save an entity with a composite key
tests.specs.tickets.LDEV0903 β LDEV-0903 - working with composite keys can load an entity by filtering on part of a composite key
tests.specs.transactionTest β all transaction functionality transactionRollback() Can roll back to savepoints
tests.specs.transactionTest β all transaction functionality transactionRollback() can roll back entire transaction