This provides a Julia module wrapping the SOCRATES Fortran radiance_core
SOCRATES Types (control, radout, etc) can be examined and modified from the Julia REPL (fields appear as Julia properties, ie use . instead of %).
SOCRATES functions (radiance_core
) can be called using the same syntax as Fortran.
Check out SOCRATES (revision um13.0 from 2022-07-28 used for these tests)
Modify SOCRATES make/Mk_cmd_xxx to add -fPIC flag (for gfortran) to build 'position independent code' for a shared library. and build SOCRATES as usual (we need the radlib.a library)
Regenerate Fortran and Julia wrappers: a) Check ./julia/src/generate_wrappers.jl SOCRATES_DIR - path to SOCRATES source tree on local machine SVN_REV - (integer) svn revision b) Create an empty ./julia/gen folder (to contain generated wrappers) c) Activate Julia environment in ./julia folder: julia> ] activate . (SOCRATES) instantiate d) Build wrappers julia> cd("src") julia> include("generate_wrappers.jl")
Build shared library in julia/lib, using 'make' from linux command prompt (tested on Ubuntu linux, Makefile will probably need modifying for mac etc) This builds a shared library that includes the SOCRATES radlib.a + extra C wrapper functions
NB: RAD_BIN must be set eg by . ./set_rad_env (see note in Makefile)
Minimal example to demonstrate Julia <--> Fortran integration
Example from (clear sky fluxes, based on examples/netcdf/CIRC_case6)
Produces expected result (eg flux_down = 0, flux_up = constant for lw, no absorber case)
To run the Julia example script:
Edit julia/test/test_clearsky.jl to set path to SOCRATES source tree on local machine (for data and example files)
From Julia, starting in the ./julia folder: julia> ] activate . julia> cd("test/") julia> include("test_clearsky.jl")
The overall strategy is to map Fortran types into Julia handle or proxy types that contain an opaque C pointer holding the memory reference to the Fortran instance.
SOCRATES types are wrapped by autogenerating code for a Julia handle type (holding a pointer
to the Fortran type), and get / set functions. Two files are generated for each Type: a
Fortran file providing C-callable functions using ISO_C_BINDING, and a Julia file with
a Julia type definition, and functions including getproperty
, setproperty
and propertynames
SOCRATES module parameters (for integer and string constants) are translated into Julia modules with corresponding const variables.
Top-level SOCRATES functions (calc_radiance
) etc are hand-written.