Welcome to my Github page! My name is Wenjia Zhu, and I'm currently a Master of Data Science student at the University of British Columbia (graduating in June 2022). Prior to this, I have worked as a Data Scientist in Companies such as Alipay and PPdai for 4 years in China.
Practical projects I have worked on:
Developed data science tool/packages for simplifing routine work, you can access the package on PYPI - Python risk_model_tool
Developed a Dashboard to illustrate high-level political status in Canada and generate reports in BIRS_CIH Hackthon - source code, report
Learning related projects :
Machine_learning_byHand: UBC CS430M, deployment of traditional ML algorithms from scratch - view
Deep_learning_byHand: deployment of deeplearning algorithms from scratch and using Pytorch. Topics include: Mlp, CNN, RNN, NLP, Transformer, Attention - view
Leetcode_byHand: Prepare for online coding in algorithom and SQL - view