This repository contains the code examples for my series "Learn serverless on AWS step-by-step". It is written using Typescript and the AWS CDK. To each article corresponds a new CDK stack.
npm i
npm run cdk bootstrap
npm run deploy # deploy all stacks
# or
npm run cdk deploy <stack-name> # deploy a specific stack
All the stacks can be deployed independently, except for:
These stacks need stack 06-SES
to be deployed first (because they use the email identity created in stack 06-SES
You can work around this by deploying the SES identity directly from each stack, but be careful to not deploy it twice (it will fail)
🚨 Some resources deployed in this repository are not covered by the AWS Free Tier (but still cheap):
- 1 Secret in AWS Secrets Manager (~0.50$/month)
- 1 Hosted Zone in Route53 (~0.50$/month)
- 1 Aurora Serverless DB cluster (~0$/month with autoPause)
For comparison, on my personal account, I pay ~1$/month to keep all the resources deployed in this repository.
🚨 Some articles (basically those that need a frontend) are in a dedicated repository. I linked the corresponding repository in each affected folder.