Welcome to day 7 of our advent calendar. First of all you will get a brief introduction of the possiblities with containerization on PLCnext Technology. And if successfully followed one of the chapters below, a little surprise awaits you.🎄
Install the Balena Engine App (ARM or x86) from the PLCnext Store. Alternatively you can install Balena-Engine from our GitHub Repository Docker Getting Started manually.
Login to the PLCnext controller terminal as admin and run the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/PLCnext/advent_calendar_day_7.git
cd advent_calendar_day_7
balena-engine build -t christmas .
balena-engine run -it christmas
Login to the PLCnext controller terminal as root and run the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/PLCnext/advent_calendar_day_7.git
cd advent_calendar_day_7
podman build -t christmas .
podman run -it christmas