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tagged this 15 Oct 18:00
*Includes updates from v2024-3.2*
  - :bug: ensure /run/dnsmasq dir exists, needed for hotspot dhcp
  - :ambulance: Fix ipv4 method for hotspot in template / enable network sharing.
    - 🐛 2 listed above resolves WiFi Networking issues #210
  - :wrench: Set hotspot IPv6 method based on no_ipv6 option.
  - :memo: Update GPIO UART setup with paths from Bookworm
  - :speech_balloon: adjust text alignment in Predicable console ports message
  - :memo: :tada: prep docs for readthedocs
  - :memo: :bug: add emoji support for sphinx
  - :memo: :art: Add more ConsolePi's in action
  - :speech_balloon:  Add more color to output
  - :bug: add --no-cache-dir to pip install-U commands, to prevent cache with outdated hash.  Resolves Error HASH not match from the requirements file #195
  - :bug: fix additional user prompt displaying during silent install
  - :pushpin: restrict aiohttp dep to 3.10.9- 3.10.10 currently does not have wheel for armv6l (pi zero).
    - Updates in 3.10.10 don't impact us, takes too long to build and often fails on pi zero.
  - :recycle: use existence of noipv6 sysctl file to determine v6_method for hotspot
  - - consistent with others, and don't think no_ipv6 is available during upgrade.
  - :memo: update README, update path for ttyAMA config within example to reflect bookworm path.
  - :sparkles: `consolepi-image`: Add ser2net.yaml as stage file when mass import from existing ConsolePi
  - :sparkles: installer: set ipv6 method in NM templates based on "disable ipv6" option during install.
  - :construction: Testing ConsolePi as a pypi package
  - :bookmark: make version static in pyproject.toml
  - :arrow_up: Add deps to pyproject.toml
Assets 2