Usability improvements:
- Reporting MAPQ > 60 as warning. Such values are typically from aligners that do follow the SAM specifications when reporting MAPQ
- Updated example script with java version check, and default hg19 blacklist
- INPUT_CATEGORY (IC) command-line arguments are now 1-based to match downstream analysis using the StructuralVariantAnnotation package
Additional VCF outputs:
- Reporting inexact homology lengths (max 300bp in either direction) in IHOMLEN field
- Using PARID instead of MATEID when writing VCF output
Performance improvements:
- Retaining cache of memoized paths between contig calls
- Removing partial misassembled contigs (too long to be valid breakend) during assembly instead of as post-assembly filter
- Not assembling when local graph complexity exceeds threshold (default threshold is 400 time median complexity of 500x coverage WGS sequencing).
Bug fixes/correctness improvements:
- Using language-independent locale
- Improved breakpoint positioning when inexact homology is present
- Incorporating RP/OEA anchor reads into assembly to enable longer assembly into the reference-supporting bases
- More conservative path collapse during assembly