A Heart Disease predictor GUI made in Python using Neural Network ML model to predict the probability of Heart Disease.
It takes
- Age
- Sex (M / F)
- Chest Pain (4 types)
- Chest Pain during exercise (yes / no)
- trestbps - Resting blood pressure
- Maximum Heart Rate
- Blood sugar above 120mg/dl (yes / no)
- Cholesterol
Model made using Neural Networks with accuracy of
$1^{st}$ hidden layer$18$ neurons (relu) -
$2^{nd}$ hidden layer$9$ neurons (relu) -
$3^{rd}$ output layer$1$ neuron (linear)
Used BinaryCrossentropy()
loss function with from_logits=True
, and convert predictions into sigmoid using tf.nn.sigmoid(preds)
and Adam
git clone https://github.com/Param302/Heart-Disease-predictor.git
Python 3.10.2
- Make sure to install all required libraries and module before using it:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run
python main.py