- User joins the server
- User will get a welcome message & command usage details in DM
- Details will be logged in join-leave channel
- User has to enter email id for verification
- If email id is in database,
- if email is already verified, verified email id's user will be notified
- else, user will be verified and respective roles will be assigned
- else, user will be notified
- Details will be logged in verification channel
- If email id is in database,
- While assigning roles, for team:
- If it's 1st user, their category, channels with respective roles will be formed
- else, required roles will be assigned
- User DM is disabled
- organizers will be notified in verification channel
- User Leaves the server
- User will be unverified
- Details will be logged in join-leave channel
- User can get manually verified by event team
Rough rough
- Team analytics
- receive member interaction dms
- Manually verify users
4-6 team size, separate channel for each team.
Each channel contain, Admin, volunteer (3), Event Head (2) and separate team members
each team category:
- structure
- operations
- human factor
- automation
- team vc
- general chat
Announcement (admin, event head, volunteer)
Team - Team name, number, leader.
commands channel /add me - student mail id