- fix timing problem when downloading packages
- full linux support (including codespaces)
- Add support for UTF8 with BOM
- fix issue with normalizing appnames when they include ":" fixed
- Add Linux support
- Add button to reload window after download finished, to reload symbol cache
- Ignore apps which are part of the workspace
- Normalize app and publisher name
- Add new workspace setting
- Country Code
- Overwrite paket.dependencies
- Add new global setting
- Custom paket executable path
- Add log to VS Code Output Channel
- Added Documentation to readme
- include paket.exe in extension instead of downloading it
- added error handling
- Action for "Create GitHub Issue" on errors
- iterate through workspaces
- create .alpackages if not exist
- Update Readme.md
- use paket client instead of nuget cli
- download system symbols
- download application symbols
- download plattform symbols
- added description
- added video to readme
- Initial release