This is an implementation of the Fringe Search Algorithm (Björnsson, et. al. 2019) in C. The aim of this algorithm is to find the shortes path between two points in a map. This implementation only handles the case of a 2d lattice map, and reads it from a black and white bmp file.
The command line instrucctions are as follows:
$ fs X Y X2 Y2 map.bmp output.bmp MAX_PROC DEBUG
where (X, Y) is the starting point and (X2, Y2) the goal point. The BMP files should be 24bit images without compression.
A simple compilation should be enougth
$ autoreconfig --install
$ ./configure
$ make
If you found usefull this implementation and you used it in an scientific research you can cite it as follows:
title={El algoritmo fringe search como soluci{\'o}n superior aa* en la b{\'u}squeda de caminos sobre gr{\'a}ficos de malla},
author={Manuel, Mager Hois Jes{\'u}s},
Björnsson, Y., Enzenberger, M., Holte, R. C., & Schaeffer, J. (2005). Fringe Search: Beating A* at Pathfinding on Game Maps. CIG, 5, 125-132.