TimeZone Picker that fills in user's timezone.
Download the production version or the development version.
In your web page:
<select id="zonePicker"></select>
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="dist/predictibletimezonepicker.min.js"></script>
jQuery(function ($) {
By default options created by zone picker will be in this format:
<option value="-5">-5 America/New_York</option>
You can change format of options by passing some options to Zone Picker:
jQuery(function ($) {
valueFormat: 'name',
textFormat: 'number'
Supported formats are:
- number - just a offset number -5 for NY, this is default for value
- name - just a name of time zone (America/New_York)
- combination - combination of both (-5 America/New_York), default for text
- custom - custom formating function, function needs to be passed in options (valueFunction and textFunction)
####Custom functions
Usage of custom function:
jQuery(function ($) {
valueFormat: 'custom',
valueFunction: function(zone) {
return zone.name + " " + zone.offset;
textFormat: 'custom',
textFunction: function(zone) {
return zone.name + zone.name + " " + zone.offset;
Zone object only has info about name of zone and number (offset of the zone).
'offset' : '-5',
'name' : 'America/New_York'
MIT © Pavel Polivka