This project was made by Michał Bogoń and Paweł Król and was final project to Microprocessor programming study subject.
It presents fully functional bicycle computer with basic functionality (below).
- Timer
- Clock
- Speedometer
- Distance measurer
- Arduino UNO 328p
- LCD screen 2x16
- Potentiometer 5k Ohm
- Reed switch & magnet
- Tact switches
- Buzzer
LCD screen shows our actual speed and travelled distance (depending on working mode).
Whenever magnet is close to reed switch, it ignites high logic state, which starts the interruption. This way we calculate travelled distance and speed, knowing wheel radius.
We change screen brightness using potentiometer.
Travelled distance can be reset by using tact switch.
Buzzer is used to signal computer startup and travelled distance reset.
Using tact switches, we can change computer operating mode.