A website for running Magic: the Gathering tournaments.
- Install PHP, MariaDB, Composer, php-curl, php-mysqli, php-pdo, php-pod_mysql, php-simplexml.
- $ sudo mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | sudo mysql -u root mysql
- $ cp config.php.example config.php # Edit the variables needed. Use these values in the SQL below.
- $ sudo mysql -u root
- mysql> CREATE USER 'gatherling'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'Pa$$w0rD';
- mysql> GRANT ALL ON
.* TO 'gatherling'@'localhost'; - mysql> GRANT ALL ON
.* TO 'gatherling'@'localhost'; - $ composer install
- $ php gatherling/admin/db-upgrade.php
- $ ln -s gatherling/gatherling /path/to/your/web/root
- Install Docker.
- $ cp config.php.docker config.php
- $ docker-compose up
- $ docker exec -it gatherling-web-1 sh -c "cd /var/www && php gatherling/admin/db-upgrade.php" This brings up the website on ports 80 and 81, mysql on port 3307, and adminer on port 8080. You can change the ports in docker-composer.yml.
- Run
composer qa
to run tests, lint, both static type checkers and javasscript tests.
- $ composer test or with a dockerized setup:
- $ docker exec -it gatherling-web-1 sh -c "cd /var/www && vendor/bin/phpunit tests"
$ composer lint # phpcs $ composer autofix # phpcbf $ composer static # phpstan and psalm $ composer csslint # stylelint
- Install bun and run
bun install
. - $ bun test