Lightning Compatibility test (tests_gpu_python) - latest/latest
Lightning Compatibility test (tests_lgpumpi_python) - latest/latest
Lightning Compatibility test (tests_lqcpu_python) - latest/latest
Lightning Compatibility test (tests_lkcpu_python) - latest/latest
Set Kokkos builder matrix
Kokkos core (OPENMP)
Build (lightning_kokkos, kokkos-4.5.00, model-OPENMP)
Python Tests (lightning_kokkos, kokkos-4.5.00, model-OPENMP, test-group-1)
Python Tests (lightning_kokkos, kokkos-4.5.00, model-OPENMP, test-group-2)
Python Tests (lightning_kokkos, kokkos-4.5.00, model-OPENMP, test-group-3)
Python Tests (lightning_kokkos, kokkos-4.5.00, model-OPENMP, test-group-4)
Python Tests (lightning_kokkos, kokkos-4.5.00, model-OPENMP, test-group-5)
Python Tests (lightning_kokkos, kokkos-4.5.00, model-OPENMP, test-group-6)
Python Tests (lightning_kokkos, kokkos-4.5.00, model-OPENMP, test-group-7)
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Lightning Compatibility test (tests_lkcuda_python) - latest/latest
Lightning Compatibility test (tests_without_binary) - latest/latest
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