###PetaVision is an open source, object oriented neural simulation toolbox optimized for high-performance multi-core, multi-node computer architectures.
####Quick instructions for installing PetaVision and running the system tests:
####Required dependencies:
- gcc/g++ (https://gcc.gnu.org/).
- bison (https://www.gnu.org/software/bison/).
- flex (https://www.gnu.org/software/flex/).
- cmake (http://www.cmake.org)
####Optional (but strongly suggested) dependencies:
- OpenMPI (http://www.open-mpi.org).
- You'll need mpicc, mpic++, and mpiexec.
- OpenMP (http://openmp.org/wp/)
- CUDA (https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads)
- cuDNN (https://developer.nvidia.com/cudnn)
####Suggested additional tools:
- lua (http://www.lua.org/)
- For designing parameter files for complex networks.
- octave (https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/)
- To read/analyze data from OpenPV.
- python (https://www.python.org/)
- To read/analyze data from OpenPV.
- mermaid (http://knsv.github.io/mermaid/)
- For generating graphical drawings of networks from parameter files.
git clone http://github.com/PetaVision/OpenPV.git
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../OpenPV
####Other build options:
# Debug build (Release is the default)
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=Debug ../OpenPV
# If CUDA is installed but you don't want CUDA support
cmake -DPV_USE_CUDA:Bool=OFF ../OpenPV
# To specify a particular CUDA architecture
cmake -DPV_CUDA_ARCHITECTURE:String=[arch]
# [arch] can be a compute capability e.g. 7.0, an architecture name e.g. Volta,
# "Auto" to detect and use the compute capability of the current GPU,
# or left blank to use the default choice for the CUDA version
# Build with clang address sanitization
####Running the system tests:
cd tests
#####Our webpage is http://petavision.github.io/. #####More detailed documentation is available at http://petavision.github.io/doxygen. #####For general questions and discussion, post to our Gitter page: https://gitter.im/PetaVision/OpenPV