Implementation of the BarnesHut algorithm in Julia for solving the N-body problem, along with benchmark comparisons with the brute force algorithm.
This is a Julia
project I created for the course 20602 - Computer Science (Algorithms) at UniBocconi, under prof. Feinauer and prof. Pittorino.
To know more about the algorithm:
The main module and functions are under the folder src/
There are a bunch of scripts ready to run in examples/
Clone the repository first, then access the folder:
> cd BarnesHut.jl
> julia --project=.
# Go to pkg to download necessary packages
(BarnesHut) pkg> instantiate
# (Optional) Test the package
(BarnesHut) pkg> test
Next, you can run any of the examples by typing in the REPL
julia> include("examples/YOUREXAMPLE.jl")
Galaxy clash
Pietro Dominietto ([email protected])