中文介绍见 Obsidian Chinese Forum t38592
Keep Headings is an Obsidian community plugin and a pure JS project. When clicking on a heading or heading line, it will trigger a relatively more seamless modal for renaming, and will auto submit when clicking outside or pressing Ctrl + Enter. Press Esc to cancel.
- Won’t trigger on right click or click with Ctrl or Alt key. For management.
- Data processing fully relies on official “Rename this heading” command. Safe.
Chinese version 中文版本,点击展开
改为光标移动到标题行触发:插件发布后,英文论坛有人写了一版 t86850#9,但有用户反映这种方式有其他问题 t75847#7,因而本插件不会添加该方式。
改为悬停按钮触发:感兴趣可以跟进 Copy Section #3。重命名标题本身是一个容易漏掉的操作,如果仍需要刻意触发,漏掉的可能性依然很大。本插件相对更看重数据稳定,所以不会添加该方式。
- 作者将类似的需求总结为希望减少触发区域的改动。如此,将触发方式改为只点击标题、而不包括标题所在行,可能会略有好转。但是,单击标题所在行也可以触发原本就是其他用户提出的要求,不可兼得,也就不做过多改变了。
Changed to trigger when the cursor moves to a heading line: After the release, someone wrote a version t86850#9. However some users reported that this method had other problems t75847#7, so this plugin won’t add it.
Changed to trigger with a hover button: If interested, you can follow Copy Section #3. Renaming a heading is an easy-to-miss operation. If it still needs to be deliberately triggered, it’s likely to end up missing it. This plugin cares relatively more about data stability, so won’t add it.
- The author summarized similar requirements as a desire to reduce the trigger area. In that case, changing to only click on a heading, not with the heading line, may be slightly better. However, triggering by clicking on the line was also a request put forward by other users. Since it’s impossible to have both, then just leave it.
In terms of renaming headings, a plugin is always a workaround; a seamless experience still awaits official implementation. Before that, this plugin aims to remain simple and lightweight, to save space, optimize performance, and reduce conflicts.