A script that allows you to disable matchmaking in Destiny 2, all this script does is adds firewall rules when first ran and if rules are already in place (second run) it will disable them and re enable match making. There are now two versions of this, one is a powershell script and one is an exe with two buttons, both you can see how to use below.
So you can do bounties etc alone and not with pesky people :)
Simply run the exe you download from releases and select the option you want, make sure to run as admin!
Make sure to only use this when on Destiny 2, run the script to disable firewall rules before shutting down steam as you wont be able to launch steam online. I suggest this is used in Orbit to prevent crashing.
Before trying to run the script you must allow Windows Powershell to run .ps1 files, this can be done by oppening Powershell as admin and typing the following. (Download here).
set-executionpolicy remotesigned
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass (might be needed)
Once promoted type "a" and hit enter.
Once you have done that, right click the script > open with > windows powershell, don't worry if its blank, sometimes text wont load, if this is the case press any key. (if it closes this is also ok)
Note: Both of the commands above still need to be ran.
When disabling: http://mrpl.me/P31047b_rfs8.png
When enabling: http://mrpl.me/l21048b_rff8.png
Download: https://github.com/MrPleasant-exe/Destiny-2-Solo-lobby/releases
Special thanks to various Reddit users for the specific ports etc